Happy Friday!

We were great at climbing the monkey bars in the playground and helped one another to learn how to climb up and stay safe.




We picked some flowers in the playground and were super kind and gave them to Miss Young & Miss Hay.

“We’re being cats”.

We’ve loved being back in the playground doing

lots of climbing, balancing and problem solving.


We showed our new starts the pond area, we found some bugs and lots of slugs in the trees!


We decided to make them a home to live in before we left the playground again, we decided they needed grass, leaves, flowers & some stones.

Welcome back!


We welcomed our happy new starts! 🙂 

We also welcomed our new Modern Apprentice-

Miss Young who will be doing her second year placement with us.

We’ve made good use of the loose parts this week & have been doing lots of imaginative play with them, here was a “Fire” & said it was “Hot”.

We played ‘Families’ together and were great at looking after each other.

We created our own place mats for snack & lunch times, this sparked lots of conversations about different types of food and which ones are our favorites.

The kitchen was turned into ‘A shop’ & we used the till and spoke about different money and quantities.

“Look it’s orange”.

We experimented how high we could get the blocks to stack then turned them into a road to balance on, we said “The floor is lava” so had to very carefully balance along!

We’ve liked having orange sand this week, we added lots of different loose parts to it for filling up and pouring. Some of us even liked having vehicles in it.

The playdough has been popular to create lots of different things this week, mainly “Cakes”.

We made some carrot cake muffins upon a Child’s request, we were great at following the recipe to grate the carrots, measure the ingredients and mixing with help from Mrs Morris! We said “They smell yummy” whilst they were cooking in the oven.

“I’m doing my homework”
Writing numbers with the drawing pad.


We liked being back in our outdoor area & have been doing lots of different things out there including block play, energetic play using equipment, water and sand play and being back role playing in our boat.

We liked being back in our outdoor area & have been doing lots of different things out there including block play, energetic play using equipment, water and sand play and being back in our boat.

^ We’ve had lots of happy faces like this one being back in nursery! 🙂