This weeks activities

We welcomed a new child this week who has settled in really well thanks to our current children being so kind and supportive! 🙂

We wrote some ‘Secret messages’ for our ‘Nursery Trow’ because he’s a bit cheeky and sneaks around our Nursery without us seeing.

We helped Miss Young bake some Gingerbread men to take home, we discovered when we checked the oven that they had  escaped  and we had
to go on a hunt to find them.

We ended up finding them all hiding in the library.

Miss Young then read us the full ‘Gingerbread Man’ story.

“I’ve made a hoose”.

We’ve used the loose parts and playdough well this week to make some great imaginative creations.

Loose parts used to create ‘Miss Hay’.

We worked together to fill the container all the way to the top and said “Its full up”.


We’ve been adding lots of great creations to our Learning Stories.

“See how deep we can get the puddle before it goes over our boots”.

We sung and danced around in the rain taking turns of the new umbrella.

We practiced our ball skills using different kinds of balls in the multi-court with the nice day, we could throw, catch, bounce and roll them.

This week we combined our Numeracy with The Children’s interest of cars and had matching activity out where they matched the number on the cards to the toy cars.

We went on another gingerbread man hunt, this time we

found 11 of them running around in the gym hall!

This weeks snaps of our little learners :)


“Look, car tracks”.

Following on our interest in cars, Miss Young helped us to create a ‘Car wash’ for them as they were a bit mucky!



We found a ‘Secret passage’ through the trees and discovered we could follow it all the way through and get out at the other side.


“I’ve made a camp fire”.

The blocks outdoors have been used well this week to create various things such as ‘paths’ to balance on, A ‘puppy house’ & ‘puppy toys’.

We explored different ways to get the wood to balance and problem solved how to make it ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ and then if we could go ‘under’ it or’ over’ it.

“It’s a garage”.
We said we were ‘Puppies’- “I’ll draw around you to make your paw”.
“We’re having babies, this is the hospital”.

We took the bikes to the multi-court and spoke about road safety, we were great at keeping ourselves safe and wearing the helmets.

We welcomed a new start this week and have all been very kind to help them settle in 🙂


“The road goes all the way up here”.

We had a visit from Anne Marie who came and read us her stories about Peerie Oorlicks, she then helped us make our very own Peerie Oorlick with paper, felt and wool.


Please feel free to have a look at our floor book outside The Nursery door which The Children have lots of involvement in adding their voice and pictures each week.

We have also started a ‘Family’ display in our quiet room if you would like to contribute your Family photo you can email the picture to the main office for us to print off 📸.

Lately in Early Years

We’ve had a busy and active few weeks in Early Years-

We’ve made playdough (We chose to mix blue and red together to make it purple), explored colour mixing with paint to make new colours, baked some healthy pancakes, practiced washing our own dishes after meals, found lots of bugs to look at in our bug viewer & went for a trip to the beach where we found lots of things including a jelly fish, mermaids purse, various stones and shells & crabs!

Whilst by the playground we spotted a frog hopping around, Miss Laurenson helped us to release it into our pond where we watched it leap and swim.

Messy play (Gloop, Foam and paint), building with blocks and loose parts and exploring nature making ‘food’ in the mud kitchen and finding and learning about different creatures has been some of our favorite things to do lately, We’ve been very lucky to have nice weather being out and about too.