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Achievement Wall

We’re updating our achievement wall in Early Years & would love to add your child’s home achievements to it. This could be a certificate from a class or lesson they go to or a photo of them riding a bike or doing an activity they’re proud of.
If you would like to add to our display please hand them to a member of staff in Early Years or if you require us to print anything please email-

A week of glorious weather!


The pre-Schoolers went through to do some art with Ms Mullay, they used water colour paints.

We chose colours to add to the water then said it was “A Volcano”. We then collected natural materials to bring back to Nursery and said we were “Making Potions”.

We experimented with different loose parts and cars, seeing which could flow down the pipe the fastest.


The paddling pool cooled us down on the hot day!

Whilst exploring the mud kitchen the children used great imagination to make “Lemon Pie”, “Strawberry Cupcakes”, “Marshmallows”, “Soup with chives in it”, “Grass cupcakes”, “Chocolate soup” & “Mint cupcakes”.

We’re always practicing risk taking and new tricks on the monkey bars in the park!

We took chalk to the playground and did some mark making & made ‘tracks’ all around the playground for others to follow.

It was lovely to read outdoors in the warm sunshine with Miss



Joy brought Sidiki along to visit us in the hall, he showed us his great drumming skills and we showed him what we had learnt, thank you for visiting Sidiki.

“Hands up if you love drumming”.

We took our own pictures using the ipad, We found this really funny.

We created some cards for Fathers Day, We were very good at coming up with our ideas for the cards & writing independently. 


There has been lots of constructing of  great models with the Pop bits & Duplo.

Mr Travins came played us some music outdoors this week since the weather was so lovely. The Sun was so warm we needed to put up the tarpaulin so create some shade.

We’ve been practicing our cutting skills and are great at holding  the scissors correctly and helping one another.

We’ve used the sand for lots of different things this week, we mixed it with water and said it was “Cement” and that we were ‘Building  walls’. We then used it to ‘Cook’ and said  we were “Bakers”.

We went to the beach to have our snack, we were very lucky to have been given some ice lollies from a parent to have in the sun (Thank you very much they helped cool us down!).

We chose another Sue Hendra book to take with us & Mrs Gilfillan read it to us.

Whilst we were at the beach we seen lots of different things – We seen some boats (One with sheep coming off), Some divers & some people out walking.



Have a great weekend everyone!

It’s been great to see the sunshine to end the week! 

Lots of climbing, rolling and exploring around our environment.


We’ve made the most of the sun and took the indoor resources outside and constructed some models.

We were great at using the tweezers to sort the different coloured pom poms.

We’ve shown a big interest in the Sue Hendra books this week, they make us laugh.

Following on from a Scavenger hunt with Mrs Forsyth we all walked to the beach and did our own hunt. 

We spotted lots of things whilst walking to the beach and whilst at the beach. Some of the things we seen were-  Circle & Square shaped road signs, different flowers and birds, sheep and lambs,

Sea glass, A crab, seaweed, shells, driftwood and various shaped and sized stones.


We painted some rocks that we had collected on the beach.

“I’m making pizza”.

We tried to smash the coloured ice we had created, it was a bit tricky!

This weeks activities so far.


We baked some scones for our snack, we had to weigh each ingredient carefully then pour each one in the big bowl to mix  all together.


We have liked junk modelling and have made some fantastic models using various loose parts, glue and cut up craft materials.  We would be very grateful If you had any junk you could donate to us, there is a blue barrel outside the Nursery door for donations.

 We have liked having sand indoors so decided to take some over to the craft area to use with glue, each child did their own individual picture which showed lots of imagination and creativity.

We have been great at using our imaginations to create some great drawings and practicing our writing skills.

“I need to make a steering wheel so I can drive the bus”

Thanks Miss Morrison for taking your accordion in again, we love music and dancing!

For the Primary 1 transition we got to go on a real bus this time and were all great at putting on our seatbelts independently after practicing last week! The link below will be updated with further Transition photos by Mrs Forsyth in Primary 1.

Transition Days



Happy Friday! :)

We’ve had a fun filled Friday!

We were very lucky to see Bruce the Dogs against Drugs dog as we were walking to the park, he was very friendly and loved all the attention (and belly rubs!).

We then had a parent take in two lambs to visit us, they were so cute and we got to cuddle them and feed them some milk. Afterwards we had our snack inside the polytunnel then chose to play in the playpark.

Before lunch we had the Toddler Group come for a visit and we were all kind and welcoming to them and shared our toys with them.