This weeks activities so far.


We baked some scones for our snack, we had to weigh each ingredient carefully then pour each one in the big bowl to mix  all together.


We have liked junk modelling and have made some fantastic models using various loose parts, glue and cut up craft materials.  We would be very grateful If you had any junk you could donate to us, there is a blue barrel outside the Nursery door for donations.

 We have liked having sand indoors so decided to take some over to the craft area to use with glue, each child did their own individual picture which showed lots of imagination and creativity.

We have been great at using our imaginations to create some great drawings and practicing our writing skills.

“I need to make a steering wheel so I can drive the bus”

Thanks Miss Morrison for taking your accordion in again, we love music and dancing!

For the Primary 1 transition we got to go on a real bus this time and were all great at putting on our seatbelts independently after practicing last week! The link below will be updated with further Transition photos by Mrs Forsyth in Primary 1.

Transition Days



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