We love being little explorers


We helped to dye rice for sensory play, we picked colours to make ‘Rainbow Rice’.

“We’re cats going on the boat”.
“Miss Hay watch me climb”.
We helped one another balance all the way along.

      We all worked together and found lots of natural resources to mix together to make “mud pie”.

We liked the scooters and had lots of space in the playground to use them.

We were great at climbing up and down and jumping off all by ourselves.

We used shaving foam & paint to explore to feel, mixed colours then printed on paper.

The children thought it felt ‘gooey’, ‘gloopy’ and ‘soft’.

“This is my Mam”.

Following on from the children’s dinosaur interests we turned water into ice and had to figure out how to free the dinosaurs from their frozen eggs. We discovered warm water would be best to melt the ice and used different tools to crack it too.

Lots of great creations with the blocks again this week, we even measured our height against them.

We were very lucky to get to go to Drumming again, we were great at listening to the instructions from Joy

and copying different beats on the drums. We learnt about the different drum names, a new song and some African words. 


We used lots of loose parts to create a “Princess house” in the playground, we did great team work to set it up!

“Look at the baby slug, I’m going to look after him”

We planted tatties at the polytunnel and spoke about the growing process and how to look after them.    We then rolled down the hill and got a bit wet but had lots of fun in the rain!

A parent was very kind and donated us some wooden rainbows to paint, it was lots of fun and they looked great with all the colours on!

We requested Hama beads and were great at concentrating to put them in place as they were a bit fiddly.

We said we were playing ‘Schools’ and that we were

‘Doing our homework’ & were great at writing some letters.