Tag Archives: Community

2024 Folk Festival

On Friday 3rd May we were lucky enough to have some special guests in school; visiting Folk Festival Band, The Fretless, they had  travelled all the way from Canada! They were absolutely fantastic, they had us all dancing and very well entertained! Towards the end, the band played famous songs, we had to stand up if we recognised the tune…this one was a popular one! 

JRSO Presentations

1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

On Monday 26th June, our JRSOs visited the Town Hall, along with 33 other pupils from across Shetland, to share all of the brilliant work they have been doing in school to promote road safety awareness

Councillor Robbie McGregor presented them with certificates, recognising their efforts over the past academic year.

Well done to you all!  What fantastic representatives of our school!


The wait is finally over – we have the winners!  Congratulations.

Christmas Hamper – Alexis Goudie

Food Hamper – Grace Ann Hughson

Activities Hamper – Rhoda Anderson

Sweet Treats – Kate Allan

Cosy Night in – Hazel McIntyre

Stress Relief – Sophie Moar

Thank you to everyone who donated to these hampers. They have been really popular again this year, bringing in a grand total of £919 to our school fund!

All entries were numbered and random number generator was used for the draws. The draws were done by John and verified by Jackie B!

1 Star (7 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

JRSO Stripes for 6 Success!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Stripes for 6 challenges. We have counted everybody who entered and there was a total of 30 students that did enter, to our knowledge. Ms Henderson is going to donate £75 to the Brake Road Safety Charity which is enough to pay for 10 nursery schools to receive Brake Charity resources. This will help teach life-saving road safety skills to children under the age of 5! Post written by Magnus,Hannah & Anders

1 Star (3 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)


The Class Hampers are all filling up very nicely. Donations are still welcome until the 4th December.

The order form will be emailed out today. It is £1 per entry. You can enter as many times as you want for each hamper, we will add your entries to a random generator to select the winner.

Nursery’s Christmas Hamper has lovely festive treats inside.

P1/2’s Food Hamper is looking good!

Lots of fun things to do in the P2/3 Activities Hamper.

The Sweet Treats Hamper has lots on offer.

All set for a Cosy Night in if you win this hamper from P5/6

Some good ideas for Stress Relief from P7.

1 Star (7 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)



SMUHA is fast approaching and plans are afoot for another wonderful SMUHA week! Once plans are finalised later this week for Monday to Thursday we will share the timetable. We would love for friends and family to come in and join us for some of the activities.

SMUHA DAY – All Welcome

9.15: Muster in playground

9.30: Procession led by P7 Jarl Squad

10.00: Burning at Boddam Playing Field

11.00: Teas, coffees, cakes and biscuits for sale in school. A chance to buy some SMUHA Enterprise produce.

11.30: Squad Acts in hall

2.00: Jarl Squad arrives in school

Please join us if you can. Best day of the school year!