A fun learning week in P3 !

We have been working very hard this week.

In spelling we have been thinking about and looking at words with e in them. Can you spot any at home?

We have been thinking about being good friends for HWB and also how we can be kind and caring towards others. We made friendship bracelets. Our first attempt with wool was a little tricky so, we tried an easier version with paper the next day. We were pleased with both designs.

For our senses work this week we explored smell and it was fun smelling the different smells in the jars. Some of our guesses were quite close but, the onion salt had us puzzled – we thought it was crisps. That one had a strong smell and made our noses twitch!

In our play we have been having a great time exploring sight and making funny glasses. We have enjoyed being very creative in our designs. Maybe we have some opticians in the making!

We were so excited to discover what was in the box Mrs Little had dropped off. It was a box of dragons and dinosaurs and we had so much fun playing with them. Maybe next week we will get very creative with them in our play.

For our writing this week we spent a lot of time exploring describing words, looking very closely at the character of Tomas in our class novel and then drawing what we thought he looked like. We found the coloured picture on the cover gave us the most clues about what Tomas looks like. Our labelling is becoming much clearer and neater now.

We have been measuring with rulers  today and we are having  a guess   (  estimating)  the measurements. Some of us have found it hard to understand that our guess can be quite different from the actual measurement.

Can you find anything at home that you think measures 15 centimetres?

Thank you to everyone who has brought in a shoe box. A big thank you to Miss Muir who has been collecting boxes for all 3 classes!Next week we might find out what we are going to do with the shoe boxes!

Week ending 3.9.21

Today we used our senses to investigate dragon fruit.

We looked at them,  smelled them and touched them.  Then we created an observational drawing.  We cut one up and drew what it looked like on the inside.

We then got to taste the dragon fruit.

It tasted like watermelon.  Angus and Sophie

It tasted like pear.  Jamie

It was like mushed up sweet potato. Drew

It tasted like rotten apple and rotten pear.  River

I wanted more dragon fruit.  Rory

The texture was a bit like pear and it tasted like watermelon but with less flavour.  Maybe the little black seeds were mini dragons. Imogen

It tasted like watermelon and pear mixed up.  Lucy

It went all over my face and was very messy to eat. KC

I was disappointed that there were no dragons inside. Ayala


What did we learn about this week?

Another busy week for P2/3.

We made paper chain dragons and it feels like we are in China in our classroom!

We observed, touched and smelled real dragon fruit. Then we did observational drawings and colour studies of the dragon fruits. We were amazed by them. They looked like they were from Outer Space. inside the runny juice looked like beetroot juice!


The fun part was tasting the dragon fruit and getting it all over our faces. It looked really funny when we looked at each other. We looked like clowns!


We also made a graph of our eye colours.



Week ending 27th August

We made a jigsaw for our classroom entrance.We had to colour in the jigsaw pieces and cut them out.

We went on a senses walk.  We had to write down things we could see, hear, smell and touch.  We were not allowed to taste anything.

I could smell grass. – Rory

I could smell the fresh air.  Elsie

I could smell the leaves.  Anna

I could see the clouds in the sky.  Isaac

I saw a buzzard.  Ross

I saw an aeroplane.  Drew

I could hear the wind.  Ayla

I could hear cars.  Jamie

We made collage people to look like ourselves.

In numeracy we were dividing and revising the 2 times table.

This block we will be writing ‘descriptive text’.  We studied a text about ‘The New Girl’ and looked at the structure.  The structure is Title;  Introduction;  Characteristics and Evaluation.

We have had a very busy week.


Welcome to P3!


Welcome to Primary 3.

In our class we have been working very hard on the display for our doorway. We loved the story about the colour monster and its adventures at school. So, we are making our display about the colour monster.



We have also been learning to draw dragons for our novel study,” The boy who grew dragons” by Andy Shepherd. We are very proud of our dragons!



First Week in P3

We settled into our new classroom very well and worked hard.

We created a ‘flower’ display for the entrance of our class. We drew around our hands and decorated them with colour and pattern.

We listened carefully and discussed what rules we needed in the class to help us all learn.  We drew pictures to show our rules.

We discussed what things we did in the summer holidays and sent Mrs Scott a postcard telling her where we had been and what we did.

We are looking forward to our Primary 3 year.



Goodbye and thank you p2

Well done everyone for a great primary 2! You have all grown and learned so much this year, and been especially resilient when things have been uncertain. I’ve really enjoyed being your teacher and I will miss you all. Thank you very much for your kind gifts and messages, I really appreciate them.

Have a wonderful holiday with your families and I will see you back at Kingsland in August.

Mrs Lloyd


The Kingsland Festival

We’re having a fantastic week in P2/1 celebrating the Kingsland Festival.

On Monday morning we put up bunting outside and made some bunting for our classrooms. We then all worked together to create a giant piece of artwork with bubbles floating from one page to another. In the afternoon we watched our films and had an ice lolly treat!

Yesterday we did a scavenger hunt in the morning. We had to see how many different things we could fit in our little boxes – we all did a great job helping each other!

In the afternoon we played some parachute games and had a picnic in the playground. We finished our wonderful afternoon with some bubbles.

It has been a lovely end to the term – thank you for all of your support and to the children for being such fantastic learners in a tricky year.

Kingsland festival

After PE we made bunting for Kingsland Festival then did a scavenger hunt. We had little boxes and had to collect 1-10 of little items from outdoors, for example, 1 stones, 2 flowers…10 blades of grass.

We played some outdoor games then watched ‘Despicable Me’ for the movie afternoon.

P2 photo

We’ve had a good week learning about bar graphs and Carroll diagrams in maths. Some children made their own graphs by asking everyone about their favourite pet and favourite ice cream flavour!

In writing we wrote about ourselves for our new P3 teacher. We described what we like and talked about our family, friends and favourite things.

We learned the rhymes ‘iss’ and ‘iff’ and talked about short vowel sounds.

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