We managed to finish our Haunted Houses which we did for Halloween.
Our dragon eyes are finished – painted and varnished. Here are some for you to see.
On Tuesday we watched a live performance of the Lorax from The Old Vic Theatre. It was about important issues around sustainability.
We wrote a Recount Text together with Mrs Scott about our Hallowe’en Party following the text structure of: Title, Orientation, Sequence of Events and Personal Comment.
Halloween Recount Writing 1 click on the link to open the word document.
We used what we had learned about alliteration and wrote a Countdown to Bonfire Night poem and created some firework pictures.
In numeracy, we have been working on addition. We are learning our number bonds to 10 and 20. Remember to play Topmarks hit the button and Topmarks daily ten to help you practice.
We made this card to say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Ward.