It was great to be back in school after our mid-term break and we all returned ready for learning.
In numeracy, we have been finding the number halfway between two numbers, estimating the position of a number on a number line and rounding to the nearest ten. We know that if a number is halfway you round that number up. So 55 to the nearest ten is 60.
In literacy, we have started to look at the text type Recount and studied the structure of this text. A recount text is a text that retells and evaluates events and experiences. The structure to follow is:
Title – what the text is about.
Orientation – When? Where? Who?
Sequence of Events – What happened using time sequence words like First, Then, Next, After that
Personal Comment – How did the events make the writer feel?
We will be working on this type of writing over the next few weeks.
We have also worked hard this week completing a lot of assessments on all the work we did in Block 1. Phew!
Today we did some coding to make a robot (ourselves) move.
Here are a couple of the programs that we made.
Evie thought the coding was fun. Elsie thought it was fun but also weird doing lots of different things. Mia thought it was hard when her partner had used lots and lots of ‘forwards;.