Holly and Sophie, from Carrick Academy, run an after school club on a Thursday. They are volunteers through Active Schools coaching Academy and Duke of Edinburgh. This block has been focussing on netball skills. The pupils will have a choice of badminton or volleyball for their next block.
We have been very busy this term and have enjoyed having Miss Ross and Mrs Holland as part of our class. It’s been great to finished writing our school show and rehearsals are well underway. The choir is sounding amazing and will be going on tour around the local area.
We learned about food webs….
We will need to use our measure skills in our upcoming holistic maths assessment….
To celebrate Guy Fawkes night we made our own ‘fireworks’ in science today. We used milk, food colouring and washing up liquid – a really easy activity to try at home.
After carrying out the experiment and researching the scientific facts behind it the big class wrote a set of instructions for the wee class to follow.
The Pupil Council organised a scrumptious morning with our friends and families. We enjoyed a Big Breakfast together with fruit salad, yogurt, toast, cereal, fruit juice, milk and pancakes all on the menu. A big thanks to our supportive parents for all the food donations and the money we’ll be sending to the STV Children’s appeal.
This month our health and wellbeing focus is all about safety!
Today we focused on fire safety and had a Fire Fighter visiting our class.
We enjoyed and learned many things…
We learned what to do if there is a fire in our homes. We are all going to make a home fire safety plan as a homework task.
I liked that we got to wear the helmet and the hood thing that protects the fire fighters from getting burnt.
It is important to wake all your family if there is a fire.
I enjoyed looking at the bedroom fire hazards and noticing them.
It is important to not have clothes lying on the floor next to your door because if there is an emergency it might slow you down getting out.
I enjoyed looking at the kitchen hazards.
I learned that you shouldn’t leave plugs on overnight because they might overheat and cause a fire.
I learned that if you burn yourself you should put it under cold water for a few minutes and then check it. If the skin is broken check your first aid kit for burn cream and a dressing. If it is really bad go to A&E.
I learned that if there is a fire that you should to use the back of your hand to check if a door is hot to touch.
I learned that you shouldn’t try and gather stuff if there is a fire. Just wake people and get out the house.
We had entertainers visiting our school and talking to us about their work in the entertainment industry. We heard about how you sometimes face setbacks but you have to be determined if you want something to work. They also talked to us about perseverance when you are trying to learn a new skill. We heard about their different jobs as actors in theatres, as writers creating shows and as directors helping other actors perform.
We enjoyed and learned many things….
I enjoyed doing the spinning plates because it was funny trying to start it off and I enjoyed the juggling because it was hard. I learned that It doesn’t work the first time so you shouldn’t give up.
I enjoyed blowing bubbles inside other bubbles. I learned that you can get gigantic bubble blowers.
I learned that you can blow bubble into bubble once they’re formed. I loved the bubble volcano because I thought it was interesting how they floated out.
I enjoyed the juggling with the harder balls. I learned that blowing into the bubbles is really not that hard.
I enjoyed playing with the ribbons because the ribbons were all different colours and it made me feel like it was a rainbow. I learned that you don’t have to go to university to be an entertainer but you can if you want to.
I enjoyed getting the bubble hat because it popped when the bubbles fell on it. I learned that bubbles can never be squares unless you trap them.