Category Archives: P5-7 ‘THE BIG CLASS’

K’Nex Finalists

A big congratulations to Christopher and Martha who made it to the K’Nex Challenge West of Scotland Final.  Impressive stats time …

  • 10,230 pupils took part in the competition and they made the final 28!
  • 256 primary schools entered the competition and they made the last 14.
  • We were the only school in South Ayrshire to reach the finals.

What an excellent achievement by Christopher and Martha.  We are very proud.

Creativity with Culzean Clay

We had great fun being creative with  Culzean Clay to create models of sea creatures.  These will be on sale at our ‘Fisherton Festival’ on the 28th of June.

We had great fun being creative with  Culzean Clay to create models of sea creatures.  These will be on sale at our ‘Fisherton Festival’ on the 28th of June.

We had collected this clay while we were exploring the caves at Culzean during our residential visit.

We talked about how the clay smelled and it reminded us of our time in the caves at Culzean.  We thought the clay looked like chocolate and wondered if it might taste like chocolate brownies!! The clay felt very soft and squidgy, and it made a thudding sound when we dropped it on the table.

Dolphin House 2017

We have arrived and the bed making giggles have begun!

Fun first day….. Park walk, beach talk, cycling, marshmallow toasting, hot chocolate drinking movie night awesomeness.

Day 2….

Beach yoga, perfect porridge, teepee playing, coasteering and rock pooling……all before midday!!

And the activities continued all day in the gorgeous sunshine!

Day 3 activities included more abseiling, caving and archery.  Nearly time for D.I.S.C.O night!

Famous DH final night disco has definitely not dissapointed! Some awesome moves AND live acts.

Inspiring Poem


We listened to this poem by a 13year old schoolgirl.  Mila is from Glasgow and will read this at a dinner with Barack Obama.


If I Ruled Scotland

If I ruled Scotland here is what I’d do

I’d make everything equal for me and you

I’d educate Scotland on hope and peace

And make the minorities feel at ease

If I ruled Scotland here’s a law I would pass

When the sun shone no kids were in class

Instead we’d play rounders or read in the shade

(after all it’s unlikely to last more than one day!)

If I ruled Scotland here’s what I’d do

I’d keep the night safe from crime and misuse

I’d treat prisoners like humans – guide them back to a life

Filled with prosper and respect, doesn’t that sound nice?

If I ruled Scotland here’s some stuff I would ban,

Like mars bars deep fried or those pies in a can

But don’t fret even though it has a strange hue,

I would never get rid of our loved Irn Bru!

If I ruled Scotland here’s what I’d do

I’d save all the dying accents so people knew

That in Scotland there is more than one type of man

We celebrate our differences as best as we can

If I ruled Scotland here’s what I would teach

That football’s no place for hate to be preached

That supporting a team shouldn’t dictate

Which people we like and which people we hate

If I ruled Scotland I’d invest in our schools

To ensure rich or poor our kids all had the tools

To pursue their own dream regardless of class

And Scotland a nation where no one comes last

If I ruled Scotland here’s something I’d try

We’d fund our NHS to keep it alive

Then when people get sick no matter how deep their pockets

We’d always have medicine on hand to stop it

If I ruled Scotland I wouldn’t allow

Any racism nonsense to interfere with my vow

That no matter the colour or tone of your skin,

We’re all Jock Tamson’s bairns and that means we’re all kin

If I win this contest, here’s how I would pick


The other 9 people to come on this trip

I’d ask some of my teachers to choose some nice kids

Who would never usually get a chance like this