In this week’s assembly we celebrated the achievements of Elliott, Anna and Harvey.
Elliott was Mrs Holland’s handwriting star. Anna was last week’s Dojo Champ and Harvey was awarded for consistently having superb homework. Well done and keep up the good work.
This morning Primary 6 came to visit the wee class and helped us to play a variety of spelling games. We had lots of fun playing “Spelligator” “Scrabble Junior” and “Word-search” as well as completing jigsaws and playing bingo.
We think the P6 boys and girls made great teachers!
Well done to all who were recognised at this week’s assembly. In the wee class Lily’s super story writing earned her a literacy award.
Mia passed her Karate grading and is now an orange belt. Fab job.
Super personal projects were handed in from the wee class this week. They were set the task of researching and reporting on a country and the results were very impressive so Harvey, Anna, Mia and Meghan all received a Homework Award.
Can you believe that this week we submitted Christmas pictures for the Lamppost Banner Competition. So many fabulous designs and the ladies had a hard time deciding on our final entry.
This year Martha’s entry is being sent for Fisherton Primary’s Lamppost Banner. Well done Martha.
However, we decided that as there was such a high standard of work submitted that one picture from the wee class and one from the big class would be used for the school Christmas Cards. Lacey’s design has been selected from P.1 – 3 and Nathan’s from P.5 – 7. Very well done to all the pupils in the school for their effort.
Delighted to share the news that we have been awarded our bronze certificate as a Right Respecting School. Now the work begins to gain our silver award. Well done to the whole school community for their work and commitment.
P1-3 have been working hard at home researching a country and finding facts to share with the rest of the class. Pupils chose their own way of presenting the information they found … we even got to try shortbread and fortune cookies! Yum!
Well done everyone! Projects are now proudly displayed in the gym hall 🙂
Here is what the pupils enjoyed about their homework task …
“I enjoyed colouring in the great wall of china and I loved trying the fortune cookies” KS
“I like my castle and Scotland flag. I liked colouring in with Gran.” ES
“I liked putting Luigi and Mario on my poster because they come from Italy” MD
“I liked helping Mum make my poster” MYC
“I liked making the poi and showing it to the class. I liked typing on the PowerPoint” OL
” I liked wearing the hat and all of it” HA
“I liked doing my PowerPoint and helping my mum” CM