All posts by Mrs Hamilton

I'm the P5-7 teacher in Fisherton Primary.

MTV – Step Inside

P5-7 are making their thinking visible by using a routine called Step Inside.  They are using this routine to explore a range of jobs and professions.  They are asking questions like….

  1. What can you see? What do you notice?
  2. What do you know, understand or believe?
  3. What do you care very much about?
  4. What do you wonder? What questions pop into your head?

The Comfort Zone Cause

We’ve got Martha in a dress to lead the way!!

We’ve got new food being tried, girly girls in football kits, Mrs H not being allowed to talk, some pupils not being allowed to talk, Mrs Malcolm in bunches, pupils sharing embarrassing old photos, and many more uncomfy challenges going on.

£490 raised so far!!

Term 3 Holistic Assessment

Festivals and Celebrations

P5-7  are coming close to the end of this term’s learning theme of ‘Festivals and Celebrations’.  It’s a hive of activity now as they apply all the skills and knowledge they have learned to complete a holistic assessment.   We planned the assessment together and the pupils are all devising advertising campaigns to promote a music festival they have created.

Posters have been designed…

Radio jingles have been written…

TV ads have been scripted….

Props are being made  ready for filming!


Enjoy……..there are certainly a few jingles that will stick in my head!







World Book Day 2018

A day is not enough….we need a week!

We are having a week of activities and Monday started with our Big Class and Wee Class reading buddies. 

The end of every day is teacher story time.  From children’s classics, such as Treasure Island, to modern favourites, like Harry Potter.

The big class are authors and illustrators!

We have loved receiving the ‘Reading in Unusual Places’ homework photos.