Category Archives: P5/4

End of year and leavers assembly

What a morning we had at Dailly Primary today. Our end of year and leavers assembly was incredible. We were treated to choral performances by every class from the EYC to P7. Followed by instrumental performances by P5/4 and P76. P7 treated us to their one off performance of “Loose Feet” inspired by the movie Footloose. P7 we are so proud of you…good luck on your next step.

Primary 5/4 Term 4 Update

This term we will be working hard on all our literacy skills. Looking at our reading, handwriting, and spelling. Getting ready to transition into our next year.
Our Talk for Writing text this term is ‘Is Plastic Fantastic’. We have been beginning to do some research into pollution and ways of reducing single use plastics. The class are going to be exploring new vocabulary to do with recycling. They will then be looking at writing an informative piece of writing.
In maths we have been working on building our confidence with our number work so far this term. Looking at different strategies for answering addition and subtraction calculations. We are going to be continuing this with multiplication and division. We will also be having a focus on problem solving and building up skills in this area.
Our topic for this term is ‘Inclusion in Society’. We have begun by looking at the definition of inclusion and how we are all different in our own ways, but we are all humans the same and deserve equal opportunities. We will go onto explore different ways people can be excluded and find strategies that we could do to stop this being the case.
In Science we have started learning all about the water cycle and will go onto explore water in its different forms.
Our PE days this term are a Monday and Tuesday, where we are going to be getting ready for sport day. We have also started looking at ball skills to begin our block of basketball.

P5/4 Term 2

This term we finished off our topic on Ancient Egyptians with a showcase of our learning. We invited parents/carers to our Egyptian “museum” where we performed a song and two dances and showed off the wonderful work we have been doing, including our dioramas, Egyptian collars and papyrus paper. We managed to raise £30 through kind donations at our museum café. Thank you to everyone who came along.

In maths we have been working on data handling, addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will continue to work on multiplication and division next term and we will also be focusing on time.  We complete Barvember challenges, where we had to solve problems using bar models.

Our Talk for Writing text this term was The Multifunction Mobile Phone. We learned the text through story mapping and actions and we then turned it into a tv advert. For our innovations we created posters for next products then wrote a persuasive text about our products for our hot task.

In Science we have been learning about Space. We researched the Milky Way and made our own pictures of it.


P5/4 Term 1 Summary

We have had a fantastic first term in Primary 5/4. We have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We will continue this topic next term where we will prepare our museum for parents to visit! We have been learning a song to perform too. Keep an eye out for more information soon as this will also be an enterprise project for us next term.

The most exciting day was our ACE day where we got to try out paddleboarding and canoeing. All of the children were so brave and confident in the water and everyone had a great time.

We will end the term with a trip to Dumfries House to participate in a workshop about food and farming. We have been learning about food production. We will continue this topic next term as well as learning more about the zones of regulation.


P5/4 Term 1

We started our Talk for Writing unit by listening to the story ‘Staying Out’ in the woods. We imagined how the characters were feeling and what they could see and hear. In the story the characters are camping so we  set up our own campsite. This has made us excited about our story writing!

In maths we have been learning about place value and shape using concrete materials, games and play based challenges.



Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays. This term we will be focusing on our fitness and tennis skills.


Our topic for this term is the Egyptians and in science we will be learning about germs.

P5/4 Summer Trip

Primary 5/4 had a brilliant day full of fun activities for their end of year trip. We spent the morning at Z1 where there was so many fun activities to choose from, including VR headsets, PlayStation, Xbox, table tennis, darts, air hockey, pool and music,as well as juice and slushies and chill out zones too. We ate our packed lunches at the beach park then played at the park before having a shot on the pedal boats. The children got to use the boating pond for an hour then we got ice creams and played at the beach before it was time to head back to school. What a fantastic day!