Category Archives: Eco School

Eco School

Members of our Group

Our Eco Committee are working on managing the school’s waste products. We have created a waste policy which includes some clear objectives: The focus being recycling, reducing and reusing paper, card and plastic. Our priority is to make the school community aware of unnecessary waste and how this can be reduced or recycled. We’d like everyone to help us achieve our goal of reducing waste and lessening the school’s impact on the environment.

At present we are selecting and purchasing bins for recycling paper and plastic bottles within each classroom as well as outdoors. We are labelling each one and will be involved in encouraging our fellow pupils to use these correctly.  We are also creating and displaying posters to promote recycling.
We plan to encourage all children to have a reusable water bottle in school instead of bringing in different drinks each day.  We are also looking at how we can recycle the plastic fruit containers used in the kitchen and if we can change the use of bottled water as part of the lunch menu.
Another way to cut down on waste and litter is by participating in the Walkers Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme.  Crisp packets of any kind can be collected and taken to a collection point in Girvan where they are sent away to be recycled as plant pots, watering cans and even park benches!
We will be presenting and promoting our policy during  assembly.  Please browse our display board to see our progress.