Primary 5/4 Term 1

Welcome to the Primary 5/4 page! Mr Woods teaches us on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Kirkwood teaches us on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Vance supports us in class every day and Mrs Morrison helps us with our writing sometimes too.

We had an exciting start to our Talk for Writing unit when a strange creature appeared in the field opposite our school! We then looked at the text The Tree Giant and have been innovating this to create our own information texts.

In maths we have been doing lots of number work with Mr Woods. We have been learning about time with Mrs Kirkwood and we also do problem solving every week.

Our Science topic is electricity. Our school has some new equipment that we have been using to create electrical circuits. Our next step is to design a model or a game that contains an electrical circuit. We are also learning about the inventor Thomas Edison.

In our classroom you will see our Class Charter which displays our rights and also our SHANARRI display. We have been learning about our wellbeing and feelings.

This term has been busy already with our open morning, where parents and carers joined us for fun maths and science lessons. We are looking forward to our Harvest Service, where we will perform what we have been learning with our music teacher, Miss Gibson. We are also looking forward to our beach adventure day at Maidens and Culzean on the 3rd October.

In PE we have been focusing on the rules in the gym hall and following instructions as a team.  Caitlin from Active Schools works with us on a Tuesday. We are also lucky enough to do lots of outdoor learning. P5 and P4 go outdoors on alternate Fridays.

P7/6 Term 1

Welcome to the P7/6 blog we will be discussing what we have been up to in Term 1 so far. Our teacher this year is Miss Baillie and we have 20 pupils in our class. We also have Mrs Eaglesham, Mr Woods and Mrs Robertson supporting our class throughout the week.

This term, we have P.E. every Tuesday and Wednesday and outdoor learning is every 2nd Friday.

Every Tuesday, Caitlin from Active Schools, takes us for P.E. and has been teaching us how to be good coaches. Last week, we practised warm ups for different games. We had to work in groups to explain our game, the rules and go over any safety instructions before coaching the class.

For four weeks, Carrick Rugby team have been coming in and teaching us rugby. We have learned a lot about being a team player, encouraging everyone to participate and the rules of rugby. We have learned that the ball must be passed backwards to our teammates. We really enjoy our rugby sessions!

We have been learning about our rights by studying the Rights of the Child and the articles in which protect us. We decided together that article 2, 12, 13, 16, 19, 28 and 29 were most important to our class. We know it is important to keep our hands, feet and hurtful words to ourselves, be fair and respectful and listen carefully.

All of our class had the opportunity to go for House Captain if they wanted to. Being a house captain comes with a lot of responsibilities and you must ensure that you are a positive role model to others.

This term, our Talk for Writing text is ‘The Tree Giant’. We created our own story maps and recorded key vocabulary and features of an information text. We have been focusing upon using generalisers and rhetorical questions in our writing. This week we completed our boxing up and toolkit to prepare to write our own hot task independently.

In maths, we have been studying angles. We can now all confidentially categorise different angles into acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex and full turns. Using a protractor is something that a lot of us are finding tricky but we will keep practising! We also have been building our confidence of bar models and word problems. We are using a range of strategies to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

In science, Primary 7/6 have been learning about space. This week we have been learning about the Apollo 11 mission. The main objective of the mission was to be the first people to on the moon. The spacecraft left from Cape Kennedy carrying Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. Did you know that when the Eagle landed on the moon, they only had 25 seconds of fuel left? Did you know Buzz Lightyear was originally named after Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin?

This term we have started to learn about World War 2. We have learned that the children had to leave their family’s to evacuate on a train then into a hall that other family’s would take them in until the war was over. The children had to carry gas masks when they were leaving. We were surprised by the food rationing during the war. World War 2 started on the 1st of September 1939 and ended in 2nd of September 1945.

Our new upstairs play area includes the following items:

  • There are puppets
  • Bamboo play sets
  • Jigsaws
  • Scrabble
  • The Simpsons chess
  • Boggle
  • Ludo
  • Knex
  • Draughts
  • Chess
  • Snakes and ladders
  • Master mind
  • Pictionary
  • Connect four
  • Ludo
  • Radio
  • Some books
  • A road carpet
  • Some legos

So far this term, Primary 7/6 have been using a new classroom star jar. Miss Baillie introduced the star jar a few weeks ago. If the whole class do something to impress Miss Baillie, such as working very hard, then a star will go into the jar. When the jar is full, we will get to choose something fun! We also have our classroom economy where we can earn/loss money. We all have a class job and we get paid every Friday if we do our job well.

~ Written by P7/6 ~