All posts by Miss Baillie

Primary 7/6 Term 4

P7/6 Term 4

Welcome to the P7/6 blog we will be discussing what we have already been up to this term and what we plan to do.

This term, we have P.E. every Monday and Tuesday and outdoor learning is every 2nd Thursday.

Sports day is coming up on the 4th June 2024. We are also preparing for P7 Leavers assembly and Prize Giving on the 19th June 2024.

We have just finished our 4-night residential trip at Dolphin House. We stayed in dorms with some of our friends and had lots of fun. Charlie, who works at Dolphin House, was our dorm inspector. He came into our dorm after breakfast each morning and graded it from 1-10. ‘Sett’ dorm won the tidiest dorm of the week with a score of 37.

We completed lots of team building activities together and explored the history of Culzean. We loved having the park to ourselves in the evenings! We played sardines – it was our favourite.

On the Cornish Hill Walk, we learnt about all the different types of mosses. They were telling about this house and where the old house used to be. We found a geocache and wrote our names in it. We also had lunch in a forest and went all the way up to the top and we got a full class photo at the top. We used our coasteering skills to find the right way to the top. It was hard but we enjoyed it and felt a sense of achievement afterwards.

We also went rock pooling on Culzean beach. We went down to the beach there was a lot of watery pools so we were given buckets to put nature in safely. We also went caving. We had to wear hard hats with torches in order for us to be able to see and be safe. We crawled into the cave at the back, turned our lights off and told scary stories!

We went abseiling and also did a litter pick on Maidens beach. Over the course of the week, we were working towards achieving our John Muir Award.

On the final evening, we had a disco. We got dressed up, put on music and danced. We all had fun!

On Wednesday 1st May the P7’s who are going to Girvan Academy after the summer went on a bump up day and got a timetable to follow for the day. Last term, the P7’s going to Girvan went to Ballantrae Primary with the other small village school to meet each other and did activities every Thursday for 4 weeks.

On the 15th May, Primary 6 all get to attend a sports event at Girvan Academy.

At the Bump Up day at Carrick Academy and Queen Margaret Academy they played games in the hall there – things like golf and rugby and so on.

This term, our Talk for Writing text is ‘The Storm Unicorn. We created our own story maps and recorded key vocabulary and features of an information text. We also acted out the machine using drama. We will soon complete our boxing up to prepare to write our hot task.

In maths, we are focussing upon building our confidence with number. We are using a range of strategies to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

~ Written by P7/6 ~

Primary 7/6 – Term 2 Blog

This term, our Talk for Writing text was ‘The Teacher Pleaser Machine’. We created our own story maps and recorded key vocabulary. We also acted out the machine using drama. After all of that, we completed our boxing up to prepare to write our hot task, after we wrote our hot task we had time to build our own machines and present their functions in front of the class.

In maths, we have been learning about money and budgeting. We discovered very quickly that it is important to not spend our money all at once! We have been studying different retailers, analysing the best value of things. We have started our own classroom economy where we have jobs and can spend our money in our shop at the end of the week. We can earn money and also be fined. We can only buy one thing a day and there are lots of nice things.

P7/6 have been completing the Junior Coaching Academy award with Caitlin from Active Schools. We have been learning to teach games to the younger ones and have been using our new skills at break and lunch time. We have been leading games such as golden river, toilet tig, chaos tig, basketball and so on.

We have also been busy learning new gymnastics skills. We learned to do different rolls and jumps using various apparatus.

In science, we have been learning about the rainforest. We made our own ‘Rainforest in a bottle’ and studied how an eco-system works. We have been making Venus fly traps and Pitcher plants. We have been learning about food chains and that not only animals eat things but plants do too!

Mrs Horne also worked with our class for 4 weeks this term. We are very excited for her to be back in our class again at the end of February 2024.

P7/6 have been experimenting with technology and have had the opportunity to use VR headsets! We got to know how to use the headsets, the safety guidelines and explored the Amazon Rainforest, New York and London from the comfort of our own classroom! It looks so real!

For Halloween – we hosted a community Halloween spooky walk. We started the walk at the beaver’s hall then made are way to the forest. During the walk there were spiders’ cobwebs, witches and clowns. It was also dark. Once we got back we got to enjoy a nice hot chocolate and hot roll.

We were honoured to be invited to open the Dalquharran paths. We started at DPS and watched the opening ceremony. Grace was chosen to cut the ribbon. After that, the walk started. We got to see the new paths and then we kindly got some treats to enjoy!

On the 17th November we got involved in Children in Need activities. We worked in our houses and completed a scavenger hunt, beat the goalie, team building activities and a design your own Pudsey! Everyone had lots of fun and were very creative! Thank you everyone who donated, as a school we managed to raise £90 for Children in Need. Well done everyone!

We participated in the Girvan cluster’s Sports hall Competition on the 23rd November. Girvan Primary vs Sacred Heart Primary vs Dailly Primary. There were running races and field events. There was a 2 by 2 race a 4 by 1 race and more. There was also an obstacle race. On the field events there was javelin, long jump and triple jump and more.

On Thursday, we had our Christmas fair at our school. There was a Christmas raffle, a firepit with hot chocolate, glitter tattoos, key chains, class crafts, games including how many sweets are in the jar and pin the nose on Rudolph. Most of our class helped at the fair and we had fun.

We are looking forward to visiting the Scottish Parliament and seeing Cinderella at the Pantomime next week!

~ Written by P7/6 ~

P7/6 Term 1

Our teacher this year is Miss Baillie and we have 18 pupils in our class. We also have Mr Woods, Mrs Robertson and Mrs Eaglesham supporting our class throughout the week.

Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We have been working on our basketball and tennis skills. Our class have also started working towards our Junior Coaching Award.

We have outdoor learning every second Thursday. We have been helping to tidy up the playground by weeding, painting and digging to set up new playground apparatus.

This term our topic is the Scottish Parliament. We are very excited about going on a class trip to visit the parliament in December!

Our Talk for Writing unit this term is the warning story ‘The Canal’. We have been building upon our speech marks skills, adverbials and using similes and metaphors in our writing.

In numeracy and maths, we have been focussing on bar modelling (using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods) and angles.

P7/6 braved the weather and had a brilliant ACE day! We even spotted some seals! We spent the morning coasteering and then some fun team building activities back at the centre. Miss Baillie was so impressed with the team work she witnessed! Everyone helped and encouraged each another along the way. I am so proud of each and every one of you for pushing yourself. Well done P7/6!

Keep an eye out for all the fun we are going to get up to in Term 2!