Please read our May newsletter:
Category Archives: Whole School News
Star pupils week ending 13th May 2022
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
The campaign website for the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme,, is now live.
The website contains lots of helpful information for families and young people about free bus travel, how it works, how to apply, the benefits and some tips for travelling safely too. It also features the decision tool feature, to help make it easier to understand the different ways they can apply.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Lunch
On Wednesday 1st June there will be a special lunch to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee:
March Newsletter update
Please read our updated March newsletter:
Star Pupils week ending 29th April
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter April 2022
Please read the Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter:
Read about the work of the Diocese of Paisley here:
Star Pupils week ending 22nd April
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Walk a Mile for Mental Health
Own clothes day Friday 1st April
Just a reminder that tomorrow is an own clothes day.
Spring Breaks holiday Camps
Star Pupils week ending 25th March 2022
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star Pupils week ending 18th March 2022
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Renfrewshire Council Recruitment event
Renfrewshire Council are holding two recruitment events to find people for jobs in our schools, nurseries and care at home teams.
Home Care and Community Alarm jobs recruitment event
-Park Mains High School, Barrhill Road, Erskine PA8 6EY
-Wednesday 6 April
-Session one: 10am to 12midday
-Session two: 2pm to 4pm
School and nursery cleaning, catering and maintenance jobs (Soft Facilities Management) recruitment event
-Paisley Grammar School, Glasgow Road, Paisley PA1 3RP
-Tuesday 12 April
-Session one: 10am to 12midday
-Session two: 2pm to 4pm
Jobs include:
-Home Care Workers, Community Alarm Responders
-Facilities Operatives (cleaning, catering and maintenance in our schools and nurseries)
-Caretakers, School Crossing Patrollers, Housekeepers, Cleaners
You can fill out an application form at our recruitment event. Successful applicants will be offered an immediate interview and can complete their recruitment checks at the event.
Alternatively, apply for a job on MyJobScotland. Successful applicants will be invited to an interview at the recruitment event.
Visit for more information, including evidence you need to bring with you to the event.
Ren10 website is now live
REN10 is a network of people who work or volunteer in the Renfrewshire area. We have a variety of early help services for your mental health and wellbeing.
Please visit the website below for more information about what’s on and what services are available.
Renfrewshire’s free rewards campaign
If you live or work in Renfrewshire and would like to earn rewards and support local businesses and charities, you are invited to sign up to Renfrewshire Council’s exciting new Not Far? Leave the Car campaign, which is now live and runs until the end of December.
To find out more on the Not Far? Leave the Car visit:
Star pupils 11th March
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star pupils 4th March
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star Pupils 25th Feb
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star Pupils 11th Feb 2022
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Parental / Carer involvement survey
We want to know your views on how we involve you in your child’s school, learning and education.
It’s part of a national survey across Scotland to create a clear picture of how parents and carers are engaged with and involved in their child’s school. Survey closes Monday 28 February at 5pm.
SCIAF boxes
SCIAF boxes will be distributed to classes on Ash Wednesday which is Wednesday 2nd March. Children can take the boxes home and should return for Monday 28th March.
Star pupils 4th Feb
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Soft FM Recruitment Event
Soft FM currently has a number of vacancies across schools and care homes in Renfrewshire and will be holding a recruitment event at Park Mains High School, Erskine on Tuesday 15 February 2022.
Click here for more information: SoftFMRecruitmentEventA5Flyer
Star pupils week ending 21st January
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Free Bus travel for 5-12 year olds
All 5-21 year olds will be entitled to free bus travel from 31 January.
For more information about how to apply, click the link below:
Active schools clubs restarting
Active Schools are planning to start their clubs next week. The children will remain in class bubbles for indoors and the playground bubbles for outdoor classes. Letters will be given to the children in the next couple of days.
Star pupils 14th January
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Renfrewshire Music Service virtual Christmas concert
Here is a link for the Renfrewshire Music Service virtual Christmas concert. Young instrumentalist from across the council area playing some festive tunes!
Brass instrumentalists
Please click on the link below to enjoy a little Christmas music from our brass instrumentalists. We would like to thank Mr O’Hagan for all his hard work and support.
Star pupils 10th & 17th December
Well done to our star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
December newsletter
Please read our December newsletter:
Parent Council Christmas Raffle
Please check schoolbags today for a small brown envelope with your child’s name on it –
Return by Friday 17th Dec with your raffle money for a chance to win hampers, wine, vouchers and much more! Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 21st December (the envelope will act as your “ticket”) Thank you for your support for this fundraiser- the money raised will be spent on the playgroundCovid Isolation Rules Update
The rules on self-isolation for household contacts has changed.
If you’re identified as a household contact of a positive COVID-19 case, you are advised to self-isolate for 10 days – irrespective of vaccination status, PCR test result and age.
What should I do if my child has COVID 19 symptoms?
It is extremely important that you continue to look out for symptoms of the virus amongst your own family. The most common symptoms are:
- new, continuous cough
- fever/high temperature (37.8C or greater)
- loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste
If your child has symptoms, they should not attend school and you should book them a test straightaway. They should remain at home and everyone in the household should self-isolate until they receive their test results. If the test is negative, everyone can stop isolating (and return to school).
More information can be found on the parentclub website by clicking HERE .
If you do not have symptoms, you can order rapid lateral flow tests for regular testing at home.
The Scottish Government are encouraging everyone to take regular tests, particularly if you’re socialising or mixing with other households.
Find out how to book LFD and PCR tests by clicking HERE .
Free school meal payment
Check if you qualify and apply now.
By Friday 17 December, Renfrewshire Council will make two payments to parents and carers of primary-school children who are entitled to a free school meal on the basis of low income.
The first payment of £160 per child is part of the Scottish Government extending the Scottish Child Payment to children aged six to 16.
The second payment of £22.50 per child is in place of free school meals over the Christmas break.
That means a total of £182.50 will be paid into bank accounts in December.
These payments will only be made to parents of children eligible to receive a free school meal on the basis of low income.
Children who receive a universal school meal (those in P1, P2, P3 and P4) will only receive a payment if:
-your child is entitled to receive a free school meal on the basis of low income
-you have applied for free school meals.
If you have already applied for free school meals this school year (August 2021 to June 2022), you do not need to apply again.
If you haven’t applied for free school meals, you can do so now using the MyAccount form on the council’s website. You can also check if you qualify to apply. See free school meals payments during school holidays for more information.
Reminder: HWB Census letter return
Could the HWB Census letters for Primaries 5 -7 be returned to the school as soon as possible please.
P5’s to receive free school meals
From Thursday 6 January 2022, all primary 5 pupils will be able to receive a universal school meal and it won’t cost parents a penny.
P5s will join P1, P2, P3 and P4 in receiving a universal school meal as part of the Scottish Government’s expansion of healthy meals to all primary pupils.
New school meal menus will also go live in January, providing children with some of the food they love while still keeping within the new food and drink in schools legislation.
Thanks to parents and pupil feedback, some favourites returning will be:
· Chicken poppers
· Sandwich options
· Hot dogs
· Vegetarian sausage rolls
Vegan and vegetarian options will be available, and we will continue to provide medical diets as required.
School meals still need to be balanced to ensure they meet the new food regulations, but children will get their favourites as part of the new menu, just not all the time.
The new school meal menus will go live on the council’s website by Thursday 23 December (once schools close). Check to see the AMEY school meal menu..
School and Care Home job vacancies
Soft FM currently has a number of vacancies across schools and care homes in Renfrewshire and will be holding a recruitment event at Park Mains High School, Erskine on Thursday 16 December 2021.
Empowering Parents Empowering Communities
Renfrewshire Council, Active Communities, Klas Care and The Tannahill Centre are now recruiting parents/carers from across Renfrewshire who would like to deliver a new parenting programme to other parents in their communities.
If you’d like a chance to make a difference for local children and families and to develop your own skills and experience, contact Nicola Davidson on 07483 955087 or email
St. Andrews Celebrations
Please click on the link below to watch our St Andrew’s Day video. The staff and children of St Peter’s Primary and ELCC hope you enjoy our performances and wish you a very happy St Andrew’s Day.
Provost’s Community Awards 2021/22
Provost Lorraine Cameron is looking for Renfrewshire residents who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their local community. If you know anyone that you would like to nominate, please see the information below. The deadline to submit any nominations is Friday 7th January 2022.
Star pupils 19th November
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star pupils 12th November 2021
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Improving our playground
Please see the letter below about improving the playground. We would appreciate any help you are able to offer to develop our grounds.
November Newsletter
Please read our November newsletter:
Star pupils 5th November 2021
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Keep Safe Kids App
The Keep Safe Kids app is a new and easier way for children and young people to access health and wellbeing information and support as well as to report bullying directly to their school.
Pupils can open the app and make reports at any time of day or night as well as make anonymous reports, helping them to control when and how they tell someone about an incident or their concerns.
Reports are sent directly to that child or young person’s school to be picked up in line with the school’s anti-bullying and wellbeing policies. Reports are not held on the app or accessible to anyone else, ensuring confidentiality and reports will not be picked up outside standard school hours.
If you have wellbeing concerns for your child, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We are here to help.
To find out how to download or use the Keep Safe Kids app, visit the I Am Me Scotland website (
Star pupils 29th October
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Scarecrow Competition
St Peter’s first ever Scarecrow Competition was a huge success. All classes had great fun creating and displaying their scarecrows around the school. Primary 5 won the competition with their Minecraft inspired scarecrow! They are delighted to have earned an extra playtime and a hot chocolate! Well done to all the nursery and primary classes for producing such amazing scarecrows.
Active School Clubs at lunchtime and after school
The Active School Programme is available online to sign on to the following lunch time and after school classes.
Tuesday lunch – Dance – P2 & P3
Tuesday 3 – 4pm -Netball – P6 & P7
Wednesday lunch – Football – P6 & P7
Wednesday 3 – 4pm – Dance – P4 & P5
Thursday 3 – 4pm – Multi Sport P2 & P3
Friday 3 – 4pm – Dance P6 & P7
This link is for the Pupil Survey about Active Schools-
October/November 2021 Newsletter
Please read our October/November newsletter:
P1 registration for school 2022/2023
P1 registration for school will be live online from 1st to 5th November. The link to the registration form will appear on the page below just prior to the registration period going live.
Star pupils 22nd October
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter October 2021
Please read the Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter:
Parents/Carers newsletter October 2021
Read about the work of the Diocese of Paisley here:
Star pupils 10th October
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Parent Pay Activation Guide
Please find information on how to activate your Parent Pay account below.
Parent Pay – Activation Guide July 19
Star pupils 1st October
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star Pupils 24th September
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
September newsletter
Please read our September newsletter:
Bike to school week
Bike to school week is taking place this year on Sept. 27th – October 1st.
For more information and a chance to win a bike, see the poster below.
Year of St Joseph Afternoon for Families
Year of St Joseph Afternoon for Families
Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John to mark the Year of St Joseph on Sunday 19th September from 2.00pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall.
The event will include an opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith and join together for some light refreshments. Fr Jonathan will conclude the gathering with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral at 4.00pm.
John and Liz Holmes
Marriage & Family Office
Diocese of Paisley
Join our Pupil Council
We are looking for candidates to join our Pupil Council. Children can prepare a short speech if they want to or design a poster to share with their class if they wish to go for being a rep. Each class will select one rep by next Friday. Children selected will then meet socially distanced, with the other class reps and will look at ways in which they can help the school progress.
Job vacancies at Renfrewshire council
Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter August 2021
Please read the Diocese of Paisley Parent/Carer Newsletter:
Parents newsletter August 2021
Read about the work of the Diocese of Paisley here:
Paths Programme Privacy Statement

August 2021 Newsletter
Please read our August newsletter:
Letter from Director of Children’s Services
Sent on behalf of Steven Quinn, Director of Children’s Services
Good evening,
First of all, my apologies for sending this information so near to the holidays. Unfortunately, it is only now that the programme has been confirmed.
The Renfrewshire Get into Summer programme starts on Monday 28 June.
A wide range of fun-filled, free activities will be available across Renfrewshire for children and young people aged 5 to 25 to enjoy as part of the government funded summer programme.
The programme is designed to improve the wellbeing of children, young people and families, and has been organised by the Council’s Community Learning and Development service and Renfrewshire Leisure Limited.
The council will be raising awareness of the programme through its social media channels. A Facebook event to promote it was set up on the council’s page this morning and posts about the programme will be published on its Facebook and Twitter accounts at 9pm tonight.
If your school has a social media account, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share these posts and event on it this week. However, and I stress, only if you have the time available to do so.
More information about the programme can be found at and we will be sending a text to all parents with a link to this information.
A list of local activities is available on the Young Scot ( and Renfrewshire Leisure websites.
Star pupils 11th and 18th June
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Update: New Lunch Menus – Now starting in August
Please Note: The new lunch menus will now be starting in August instead.
New Primary & Nursery Lunch Menus will be starting week commencing the 14th of June. This will be a return to a full 2 course plated service.
The Primary & Nursery Menu is on a 2 week cycle (the nursery menu has some slight variations compared to the primary menu to meet regulations, and there will be no longer a separate under 2’s menu).
Please see the menus below, along with (Dairy Free, Egg Free & Gluten Free Menus for Primary & Nursery).
Another treat for pupils
Children in the nursery and whole school will enjoy a virtual school show by ‘The McDougalls’ theatre company. The link will be given to us to view during the last week of school. We have purchased this with money from the funds raised during Mental Health Week – another great treat for pupils! Enjoy!
St Peter’s Health Week
During the week beginning 14th June, children will participate in activities linked to Health and Wellbeing. They will learn about healthy lifestyles and take part in P.E and dance lessons. They will learn about the importance of good mental health and will take part in mindfulness lessons. Children will study relationships during ‘God’s Loving Plan’ lessons, which are differentiated for each primary. This is also Walk to School Week and we ask that you encourage your children, where possible to walk/cycle/scooter to school. Classes will have sports days on the grass area in our playground throughout this week. We hope that your child has lots of fun!
Mental Health Fun Day
From the generous proceeds raised from our mental health awareness activities, the nursery and each class will be treated to a magician show and a silent disco on Friday 11th June. Uniform should be worn as normal on this day. Thank you
Star pupils week ending 4th June
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
P7 Confirmation
Congratulations to all of our children who recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Peter’s Church. Thank you to Fr Andrew and the parishioners who helped to make the occasion special for all of the children and their families.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all of our pupils who recently received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in St Peter’s Church. Thank you to Fr Andrew and the parishioners who helped to make these occasions special for the children and their families.
Star Pupils week ending 28th May
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
P7 Raffle Winners
Primary 7 Raffle
Thank you to everyone who entered the raffle and supported the Primary 7’s during their fundraising.
Congratulations to our winners:
Abercorn Tyre Co – Shay (P4)
The Dog Lassie – Orianna (Nursery)
K9 Way – Caleb L (P6/7)
Bel Cibo Box – Niamh B (P5/6)
Baillies Photograph Slate – Lacie (P4/5)
Rachel Griffin Hair – Charlie McP (P1)
Baillies Personalised Cushion – Kieran C (P4/5)
Rachel Griffin Hair – Grace (P4/5)
Inflated Dreams Balloons – AJ (P6/7)
Baillies Personalised Pyjamas – Jaxen E (P1)
Baillies Personalised Cushion – Max C (p5/6)
Party Like A King – Freddie (Nursery)
Baillies Hoodie and T-Shirt – Mrs. Everett
Hannah Gormley Eyebrows – Mialena C (P5/6)
Balance Prep Meals – Aiden O’Malley (p1/2)
Glenbun – Aoife (P4)
David Cairney Barbering – David M (P6/7)
Glenbun – Mrs. Tannahill
The Girls Boutique – Darcie (P1)
Bee’s Weaves – Quinn (P3)
Gemma Lowe Hair – Joe (P4/5)
Airhead Balloons – Ben (P1)
Flower Shop Elderslie – Logan (Nursery)
Under Pressure Driveway Clean – Maisie (P7)
Baillies Baby Set – Aiden O’Neil (P1)
Gift Box – Layla V (P1)
Renfrewshire Council’s ‘Team Up to Clean Up’ June 2021
Saint Peter’s Primary School are taking part in the ‘Team Up to Clean Up’ campaign organised by Renfrewshire Council. We are having a ‘Big Clean Up’ during the month of June. Children in Primaries 1-3 will have a chance to use the litter pickers within the school grounds during Health Week. Primaries 4 – 7 will have the opportunity to go out into the local area to help tidy up. School staff will accompany the children. If you would not like your child to participate, please contact the school office as soon as possible.
St. Peter’s Lucky Dip
We have received a number of ‘back to school packs’ from Renfrewshire’s Toy Bank. We have decided that the fairest way to give these to children is by doing a lucky dip or ‘names in a hat’. Please read the letter below for more information.
Star Pupils Week Ending 21st May
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Active Schools Activity Day
A big thank you to the Active Schools Coaches for a great day today. Despite the weather, all classes took part in the outdoor activities and enjoyed their allotted activities.
Primary 7 had a great day taking part in special activities with the active schools coaches! Activities included fire lighting, frisbee golf, team building and night line.
Bikeability lessons
Despite the bad weather, Primary 5 and Primary5/6 showed great determination and control during their Bikeability lessons today.
May 2021 Newsletter
Please read our May newsletter:
Star Pupils week ending 14th May
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star Pupils week ending 7th May
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star pupils week ending 30th April
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Due to restrictions this year, our primary 7s have missed out on a few activities that they would normally have taken part in and enjoyed. To make up for this, we are planning three days of fun activities for them in school.
Please read our letter for more information
Thank you for your continued contributions.
Due to COVID restrictions, Primary 7 are currently unable to participate in our traditional Primary 7 excursions. As a result, we are planning to provide 3 days of fun filled activities and special experiences for the primary 7 pupils. We will be having a raffle to help raise funds for this and some of our local businesses have very kindly donated some amazing prizes. Thank you to all of them for their generosity.
Please read our letter for more information
Thank you for your continued contribution.
Star pupils week ending 23rd April 2021
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
P5, P6 & P7 Bikeability: Information Letter
Please read the attached letter for more information about our P5, P6 and P7 Bikeability sessions:
Virtual Kilt Walk
We are taking part in Scotland’s Virtual Kilt Walk for the Dreams Come True charity. On Thursday 29th April, children are asked to bring £1 donation to school. They will be asked to walk around the perimeter of the school grounds which is roughly 500 metres. Children should wear their uniform and ensure that they have suitable footwear.
Star pupils week ending 1st April 2021
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Star pupils week ending 26th March
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Spring Tea Party
A ‘Spring Tea Party’ and will take place on Thursday 1st of April 2021 for ALL Primary Schools. The food served will be the following: Selection of Sausage Rolls, Chicken Nuggets, Healthy Oat Bites, Jam Tarts, Salad & Juice.
Food will be served in the usual white takeaway box & we will still be offering sandwiches as an alternative to the themed lunch.
Dietary needs will be catered for.
If your child has specific dietary needs or you require more information, please contact the school office.
EU Settlement status
All EU citizens must complete an application for ‘Settled Status’ by 30th June to live and work in the UK. If you have not applied for ‘Settled Status’ please could you follow this link below to apply.
Star pupils week ending 19th March
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing.
Inspired 2021 Art competition winners
Congratulations to everyone who entered this years Inspired 2021 Art competition, Renfrewshire Leisure will be showcasing all of the work that was submitted.
However, two of our pupils, Joseph Fabiani in P2/3 and Ryan Cartwright in P6/7, have received a highly commended certificate for their entries. Congratulations and well done to both of them.
Rag Bag collection-Money raised
We are delighted to have collected £94 from our Rag Bag collection. Thank you to all who contributed.
Diocesan Mass for Families
Bishop John invites every family to our live-streamed Mass for Families at 11am on Sunday 21st March 2021. Come and give thanks for the gift of our families as we mark the Year of St Joseph and the start of a special Year of the Family. Sign up and add prayer requests here
Star pupils week ending 12th March
Well done to this week’s star pupils! We are so proud of the fabulous work all of our pupils are doing. Keep doing your best and remember to show our school values at home.