P6 Home Learning Tasks

Good Morning and Happy Monday to you all. I hope you had a lovely weekend and had a chance to relax in the sun, yesterday afternoon. Can you believe that we only have two more weeks of home learning tasks before we break for the summer? I cannot believe that the time has passed so quickly since we stopped in March. You will start to get more information about arrangements for returning to school in August soon and remember that that you will need to think about speeches applying for Head Boy and Head Girl!

There will be another activity for the RL Olympics which I will post later. Your tasks are posted in Google Classroom and I have them listed here;

Task 1 – Think about your friends you have missed from school and take 5 min to say the school prayer, with a Hail Mary and Our Father to ask for them to be kept safe.

Task 2 – Cosmic Yoga – Join Jamie for some meditation before you get started with your tasks. Relax and think clearly to complete your tasks quickly and accurately.


Task 3 – Spelling

Your words are on Spelling City for you to practise some of the free games.

Complete the spelling worksheet for your group, then complete the extension task.

Group 1 – Jolly Grammar 4 list 30 – wordsearch task.

Jolly Grammar 4 List 30 Wordsearch .JPG

Group 2 –  Jolly Grammar 3 list 30 – word scramble task.

JG3 List 30 wordscramble homophones

Task 4 – Health and Wellbeing / Art

Look at the Outdoor Art Grid and choose a task which you have the resources to complete. Take a picture of your activity and let me know what you have made.

Health and Wellbeing Outdoor Art acrivities

Task 5 – Go Noodle


Task 6 – Maths – Multiplication of Fractions,

There is a video clip with questions and quiz, explanation sheet and worksheet, Work your way through and let me know how you get on?

I an at the school again today at the hub. Remember you can message me if you need help with anything and the message comes to my phone. Try to complete your tasks today as we plan for bringing the term to an end.

Work hard and have a good day,

Mrs Coyle