P2/3 Daily Tasks Monday 15.06.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your weekend and got to spend some time outside. Today we are back to work so will be starting with literacy, numeracy and then a fun science activity of your choice.

Prayers – School Prayer


Task 1

LI – We are revising the ‘zz’ digraph.

Today we have a different video, once you have watched it think of as many words as you can with the ‘zz’ sound and write them in your jotter.


Task 2 – News

Write 3 good quality sentences about your weekend, you can challenge yourself by writing more. Use your knowledge of taught sounds to help you sound out and spell words. Remember your punctuation too.




LI – We are revising place value.

Task 1 – ordering

For these numbers you will need to look at the tens value to order the numbers, then you will have to look at the units value to check if they are in the correct place.

  1. 38, 59, 24
  2. 63, 49, 60
  3. 28, 59, 83
  4. 74, 59, 53
  5. 24, 5, 2


Task 2 – smallest to largest

Order these objects from the smallest size to the largest.

  1. Grape, watermelon, apple
  2. Sock, trousers, vest
  3. Lion, elephant, bee
  4. Bus, car, aeroplane
  5. Football, bike, hula hoop



Mindfulness 10/15 mins


I have linked a website below that has lots of fantastic ideas that you could try. As they all require different things I want you to pick what experiment you can do with what you have at home. Always have an adult help you. I can’t wait to see what one you pick!

Before you start your experiment I want you to talk about what you think is going to happen, this is called a hypothesis. Once you get to the end of it I want you to talk about what did happen and if your hypothesis was right. I also want you to have a discussion about why you think it happened.


