Pupil Council Update January 2022

The Pupil Council created a questionnaire using the How Good Is Our School Document for Children. We asked questions relating to our teaching and learning. One of the main themes from each class was pupil’s wanted more outdoor equipment.

The Pupil Council worked with Mrs McDonald to order equipment for each class to be used for outdoor learning and break times. We ordered Jumbo connect 4, gigantic playing cards, frisbees, quoits, mini golf sets, frisbee golf, and large skipping ropes. Dominik and Maisie from P7 spent some time setting this up before Christmas. We are excited for all classes to start using it this week and are going to make sure everybody is responsible for our school equipment by talking at assembly this Friday. We have included some pictures of our outdoor equipment for you to see all the fantastic resources we have purchased to improve our outdoor space.