Dream, Believe, Achieve!
St David’s PS is an ambitious learning community, which is inclusive of all of our partners, primarily pupils, parents and staff. Our child-centred approach ensures that each child aspires to success, plays an active part in their own learning and that their views are sought and valued. Excellence is the standard we aim for in everything we undertake. To achieve this, all who identify with our school community have a part to play in contributing to our overall success. St David’s is committed to raising expectations, attainment and achievement by delivering a curriculum that is creative, challenges pupils and develops transferable skills. In so doing, we instill confidence, motivation and enthusiasm for lifelong learning whilst fostering the Gospel Values of the Catholic Church.
Our school values are derived directly from the above statement and are key to everything we do at St David’s:
Respect Excellence Achieving Community Happiness Faith
REACHing with Faith