Category Archives: School Blog

Assembly 22/11/19

We were joined at assembly this week by Melissa who is our new Places2Be school counsellor. She told us all about the Places2Talk service and answered all of our questions. To allow your child to participate in this service, please return the letter that came home last week. If you have any questions or need a new form, please contact the office.

Our pupils of the week were celebrated by our whole school for demonstrating our school values in their daily lives and being great role models. We are very proud of them.

Our Star of the Week shared his recent achievements as a member of Thorn Athletic and the recognition he received at his recent Football Presentation. We love to hear about our children’s achievements outside of school – please encourage your child to share their successes with us at our weekly celebration assembly.

Some of our upper school pupils treated to us to a performance of a song called ‘I am Amazing’ which they had been looking at as part of Anti-Bullying week. The rest of the school loved it and picked up on some of the very important messages in the song.

Finally, we were treated to a fantastic story read to us by Kerry from West Johnstone Early Learning and Childcare Centre. She brought along the classic story of The Tiger Who Came to Tea to share with us and mark the end of Book Wek Scotland 2019. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us by joining us to read or coming along to our events. We hope we have encouraged you all to make a little more time for reading in your day.


Today our campus choir and House Captains welcomed some very special visitors to our campus. We welcomed visitors from the local authority, Education Scotland and the Quality Assurance Department in Malta.

We told them all about our joint campus, our community and how we work together. They were very impressed with what they saw and even experienced some of our Scottish country dancing rehearsals ahead of Friday’s big event.

Don’t forget to return your Family entry for our Together value – the deadline is tomorrow,  27th November 2019. Voting begins on Thursday and will close on Friday. We will be announcing the winner next week.

Primary 3/4’s Bookweek Scotland

Last week saw P3/4 have lots fun and exciting opportunities to experience reading. We had many different visitors in to see us and some even went out into the community to experience reading.

Our week started with a visit from Miss Cunningham from Cochrane Castle Primary, who chose to read one of her favourite books to us, ‘The Owl who is Afraid of the Dark’.

On Tuesday, we received a special visit from our School Education Manager, Miss Thomas. She brought in a book that was very special to her son when he was in primary three and four, called ‘Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins’. Miss Thomas also brought in a special device called a Kindle. She told us about all the books she had on it and how when on holiday, she loves to get lost reading a book and imaging all the different scenes.

Thursday saw a very special visitor, in the form of Provost of Renfrewshire, Lorraine Cameron. Provost Cameron came to visit Primary three’s to give them  a ‘Read, Write, Count Book Bag’. Whilst the Provost was here, she read one of the stories to the class, it was called ‘You’re Called what?’ The story was all about real-life animals with very strange sounding names.

As a very special treat, the Provost let those of us that wanted too, try on her official chain of office.

Primary 4’s joined Miss McCann’s class and walked to Starbucks, they were read a book by the Manager. They also got a treat of some hot chocolate.

Friday saw our class get two visitors. Firstly the house captains of Cochrane Castle came and read a story to the class.

Our Final visitor of the week was Katrina McGovern, the School’s Barnardo’s PAThS Co-ordinator. Katrina brought in a book that was very special to her, ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’, she even brought in a toy rabbit! Everyone loved the story!

Book week was great and all the class thoroughly enjoyed it, and this can be summed up in a quote by one of our class members.

“Books are so important, they don’t just help my reading. It helps my spelling, my imagination, my writing  and how I understand things. Reading is great!”

Book Week Scotland . Hidden Community Books!

Primary 4/5 love reading books and want to share this with the local community!

They have hidden books in popular places around Johnstone. These books are in a zip lock bag with a little note and instructions on what to do. If you are lucky enough to find one of our bags take it home, read and enjoy!

All we ask is that when you are finished , you hide it back in the community with the note so that others can share and enjoy it too!

If you can, take a selfie with the book and post it onto our schools Facebook/Twitter to help share the message.

Here are some picture clues to help you identify some possible hiding places.




Catholic Education Fortnight

As we embark on this annual celebration, we would like to share the Autumn Newsletter for Parents from SCES (Scottish Catholic Education Service). Please click on the image below to access it:

The theme this year is ‘Promoting Gospel Values’ and the children will be learning about this in class – why not ask them what they have been learning?

Over the next few weeks, you will be hearing from our Cluster colleagues from St Benedict’s in our parishes and you will also find our Cluster Newsletter.



Primary one had a very exciting afternoon today!

We had a visit from the Skoobmobile, we were SO excited!!

On the bus we read “The Prince and the Witch and the Thief and the Bears” then we went back to class and drew an alternative ending for the story! We also drew another lost item for Maurice in the “Station Mouse” and played pin the horn on the unicorn as we  enjoyed “Sophie Johnson Unicorn Expert.”


We are  going to vote on our favourite book and send it away to Bookbug!

P4/5 Visit to Lime Tree Larder

Today we visited Lime Tree Larder and met with Alex and Jean Wilson the very lovely and welcoming owners.

We visited this  artisan chocolate factory as  a way to celebrate the finishing off our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory topic .

Jean shared with us how Lime Tree larder create their fantastic chocolates and she told us all about the different regions of the world that chocolate ( cocoa ) is grown.

Did you know that there are four types of chocolate?

There is Dark chocolate made with a high concentration of cocoa and very little sugar, Milk chocolate which is made with  a mixture of cocoa, sugar milk and cocoa butter, White chocolate which is cocoa butter (extracted from the cocoa bean ), sugar and milk and last but not least Rubi chocolate , made from a very special cocoa bean found in Venezuela ,milk and sugar. The Rubi chocolate is pink and we thought it tasted like strawberry!

We had so much fun and got to taste A LOT of tasty treats!

🎃 Hallowe’en Party 👻

Last week we enjoyed another fantastic whole school Hallowe’en Party. We all took part in a parade around the school with our friends in Cochrane Castle and then moved on to our party in the hall. As always, the costumes were amazing and everyone enjoyed the party games and dancing.