All posts by Mrs Foy

Art Outdoors

Primary 2 have been making autumn art in class and at home. We have also been working with partners and as a team to use our artistic skills outdoors as well.

It was fun to see all the different things we could make as everyone had different ideas; love hearts, trees, what would you make?


We began by looking for anything unsafe and marked it to keep us safe.

Maths Week Scotland in P2

We have been looking at lots of different ways we use numbers and maths in our lives and jobs.

P2 said that we need to measure when we build things and when we cook. They also said that telling the time was important. We all need to be able to count our money.

We even looked at how we need shape in design and learned more about Kandinsky and Klee-famous artists who used shape in their paintings. We even used our Spanish to colour match our shapes.

We used tally marks to vote then filled in our graph. Which character was your favourite.

Sometimes we work best as a team.



The Lorax’s Warning

Primary 2 have been out on an autumn walk looking for signs that the season has changed. We know how important trees are and we can tell the season just by looking at them. We collected lots of things to investigate, leaves and acorns, beech nuts and branches.


However our Dr Seuss book The Lorax warns us what terrible things might happen if we don’t take care of our trees, our clean water and fresh air.

We explored this in our drama.

We were tall soft Truffula Trees waving gently in the breeze. Feeding the cute Bar-ba-loots our Fruits, when the grabby Once-ler came with family and friends to cut us down.

The brave Lorax told them to stop he was cross and proud and stern but the Once-lers would not listen.

They chopped down the beautiful Truffula Trees until there was not a one left… We were very sad.

But perhaps a tiny seed will see Truffula Trees again.

Science with P4/5

P4/5 became teachers for a day! They were sharing their learning on electricity and building electrical circuits with P2. They all had a great time and were enthusiastic to learn from each other. So much so that they asked if next time P2 could be the teachers. Here are some of their comments on what they learned…

Kameron- “That lightning is electric.”

Leo-“Learning about all the symbols.”

Iain-“Static electricity made my hair go up.”

Alfie-“How to wire light bulbs up.”