Primary 1 Thursday 28th May 2020

Good Morning Primary 1


As we did last week, can you practise saying the months of the year?


Which month are we in just now?  Which month is it going to be next? Which month comes after February? Which month comes before September? Which month is your birthday in?


Now can you count up to 10 in Spanish….


Fabulous, well done. Can you tell an adult how you are feeling today in Spanish? (adult: fantastico, bien, regular or mal)




Warm up….


  • Play number tennis with an adult from 0-30 (or as high as you can go) Adults- child begins with 0 then adults says 1, child says 2, adult says 3 etc
  • Now can you play number tennis counting back down again from the number you reached?


Task: Sorting




  • Can you get all of the cutlery from the cutlery drawer and sort it into groups of knifes (not sharp ones!), table spoons, teaspoons and forks? extension: within each group are all the items the same size or can you group them within their group again according to their size?
  • Challenge: Now can you lay the spoons out to make a shape?
  • Alternative task or additional task…. Ask an adult to find 10 pairs of clean socks…… separate all the socks, muddle them up then try to match them back up correctly with their partner as fast as you can. Maybe you could time yourself and see if an adult can beat you!




In your Learning Packs you will find 4 word walls…


Practise reading word walls out loud with an adult. Keep practising every day to grow your reading skills. Now choose 4 words from your word walls and ‘magic whisper‘ or ‘shouting power‘ spell the word. (note: while saying each letter of the word whisper or shout)



  • As we did in class, I’d like you to write down a sentence to tell me your news.
  • Remember to use:
  • a capital letter at the start of the sentence

-a full stop at the end of the sentence

-a finger space between each word

Challenge: Can you write more than one sentence?

When you have finished writing your sentence you can draw a picture of your news and colour it in.

Health and Wellbeing

As it is National Smile Month I thought we could remind ourselves of the importance of taking care of our teeth. That means brushing at least twice a day (for the same length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday) and not eating or drinking too much of the sugary snacks or drinks. To do this activity you’ll need….

Resources: blank sheet of paper, a felt tip pen, a variety of healthy and unhealthy food from your kitchen (10 items in total e.g. banana, apple, biscuit, fizzy drink, water etc)

  • Adults draw a happy tooth on one half of the paper and a sad tooth on the other half:
  • Child places the different foods onto the sad or happy tooth depending on what it is
  • Child explains why they have chosen to put each item on the tooth

Have a good day,


Mrs. McLeish