Primary 1 Thursday 14th May

Good Morning Primary 1


As usual, let’s start off with you singing the Days of the Week song, you must be very good at singing this by now!


Which day of the week is it today? Which day is it tomorrow? Which day was it yesterday? Which day comes after Thursday?


Now can you sing your Spanish hello song (Hola, Hola)


Fabulous, well done. Can you tell an adult how you are feeling today in Spanish? (adult: fantastico, bien, regular or mal)




Warm up….


  • Can you count up in 2’s
  • Can you count on from 7 up to 24?
  • Can you count back from 27 and stop at 18?




  • I’d like you to get a piece of blank paper.
  • On the paper can you ask an adult to draw out a simple table like this….
  • Whilst out on your daily walk, or from your window whilst at home, put a tick against each of the different forms of transport you see.
  • Once you get back home can you total each of the different forms of transport.
  • Here is an example of how your table might look when you are finished…
  • Which form of transport was the most common?
  • Which form of transport was the least common?
  • Why do you think this was?
  • For even more of a challenge, can you make up your own table and add information to it e.g. flowers that you see, insects you see, different activities you see people doing?
  • Note: keep the work as we are going to use this information in tomorrow’s task




In your Learning Packs you will find 4 word walls…


Practise reading word walls out loud with an adult. Keep practising every day to grow your reading skills. Now choose 4 words from your word walls and ‘star jump spell’ the word. (note: while saying each letter of the word do a star jump: a-n-d)


Now it’s time to practise your spelling


  • Go around your house and find food labels with the sound ‘oo’ or ‘ng’
  • Draw a picture or take a photo of the item


Challenge: Cut up letters from food labels to create the word




As May is the month of Our Lady, can you please practise saying this prayer to Our Lady with an adult….


Hail Mary


Hail Mary,
full of grace.

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou
amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb,

Holy Mary,
Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour
of our death.


Have a good day,


Mrs. McLeish