All posts by A. stcatherinesp

End of Term

I wish you a very happy and fun filled summer break. Thank you to the staff, parents and most of all our wonderful pupils for an excellent year.  I look forward to working in partnership  with you all next session.

Mrs Henry

I Am Me Scotland

The children all experienced a workshop with I Am Me Scotland and what fantastic feedback from our special visitors.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your interest in the I Am Me #MakeaDifferenceScotland programme. The team really enjoyed visiting St. Catherine’s Primary School today, the staff were extremely welcoming and the pupils were very well behaved and enthusiastic, with a great understanding of disabilities and the importance of being a good friend/classmate. We would also like to take this opportunity to share some feedback we received from your pupils during our visit:

“I have learned that bullying is wrong. I have learned that you should let everyone join in the games. I have learned to treat people with disabilities the way you want to be treated.” – P5 Pupil

“[I have learned] 1. That it is okay to be different. 2. Don’t treat people different because they have a disabilities.” – P5 Pupil

“I have learned more about disabilities and that it is wrong to bully.” – P5 Pupil

“I have learned that it doesn’t matter if you have a disability everyone is the same.” – P5 Pupil

“I learned how serious hate crime can be.” – P6 Pupil

“I’ve learned much more disabilities and words you shouldn’t use.” – P6 Pupil

“I have learned more about various disabilities. I have learned more signs of bullying. I have learned that I Am Me is a great cause.” – P7 Pupil

“Today I learned that some peoples first impression sometimes aren’t the best and you shouldn’t judge people by their first impression and you shouldn’t bully people with and without disabilities.” – P7 Pupil

Thank you very much, we look forward to working with your staff and pupils again in the future!

The I Am Me Team


Summer Reading Challenge

We would like to encourage as many of our children as possible to take part in this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. This is a fantastic opportunity to keep your children busy during the summer break and let’s remember reading time equals quiet time for mum and dad! Prizes for participating include free swimming and badminton passes. Pop on to Skoobmobile to enter.

Health Week

We have enjoyed taking part in outdoor art activities using natural resources and bubble painting too! Great fun!

Our outdoor classroom is looking great! We all planted vegetables and flowers. We are hoping to make soup in the new session!

What a fabulous day out to Heads of Ayr Farm Park. The whole school had a fantastic day out and as always our children were beautifully behaved. A few nodding heads could be seen on the bus on the way home…and that was just the teachers! Thank you again to our parent helpers, we couldn’t do it without you.

What a great Sport’s Day was had by all. Thank you to all of the parents/carers for attending and to Mr McKay and our Trinity High School helpers for ensuring everything ran so smoothly. The children enjoyed coming back in to school after their races for a nice cold drink and some fruit! Thank you everyone for another successful Sport’s Day.

Primary 6 delivered presentations to the whole school today on having a growth mindset, well done Primary 6 we are all feeling very positive!

We enjoyed a taster session of the Massaging School’s Programme today and are feeling very chilled out!

We have also participated in workshops from the NSPCC and from our Community Learning Officer, informative and fun!

The children are looking forward to Soccer Aid tomorrow which has been organised by our enterprising Primary 7 and Primary 4 classes.

Health Week

Our Health Week begins on Monday 4th June during this week we have exciting events planned such as our school trip, UNICEF Soccer Aid event and Sports Day. We have also arranged for partners to visit our school including Renfrewshire Young Carers, NSPCC, Trinity High School Community Learning Officer, Active Schools Dance Teacher, Massaging Schools Programme and more! In class we will also be learning about healthy eating, having a growth mindset, participating in outdoor learning and carrying out class surveys to encourage our children to bring in healthy snacks.

During this week pupils should wear their school polo-shirt with comfortable sports clothing (tracksuit bottoms, leggings, shorts.)

Health & Wellbeing: Summer/Sun Care

Health & Wellbeing: Summer/Sun Care

Now that we are in the summer term, we hope the weather will be kinder to us. Please consider providing a hat and applying sun screen to children on hot days. The children should come to school with a water bottle and there are always opportunities for them to refill this during the day.

For more information visit


Our management for the day.

Congratulations to our STEM award winners who were fantastic in their role as Head Teacher and Depute Head Teacher for the day.

Ciara McBride P4 and Lilly-Rose McMahon P3 successfully ran our school assembly, carried out playground and dinner duties, sent a text to all of our parents/carers and dismissed the classes at the end of the day. Well done!