Renfrewshire’s Nurturing Relationships Approach (RNRA) is a relational and trauma informed approach to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. RNRA is grounded in a rich evidence base and has been found to positively impact on staff practice and the wellbeing of children and young people (Nolan, 2020). Positive relationships across the school community (parents/carers, children and young people and staff) and a focus on the development of resilient children and young people are considered some of the key features of whole-establishment nurturing approaches.
The toolkits have been created to support establishment self-evaluation and planning for improvement in the following areas:
- Pupil Voice: Pupil Voice RNRA v7 – FINAL
- Parental engagement: parental engagement RNRA toolkit
- Quality improvement: evidencing impact RNRA RAG
The continuums within these toolkits contain good practice examples which should be used in planning whole establishment nurturing approaches. Consideration of these continuums should be evidenced in establishment accreditation submissions (including action plans). These indicators will be referred to in scrutiny of accreditation submissions to determine progress in these key areas.