All posts by J Hunter

At the October meeting we joined together with the Playground Committee to share our ideas. We showed the lovely books that had been kindly donated by a parent. We have also written to Julia Donaldson in the hope that she may send us an ‘inspirational quote’ which we can display in our school library.

Our committee talked to the school in Assembly about the importance of drinking water during the day. Our committee will check how many children bring in water on Water Wednesday.

The School Grounds project this term will be to build a bug hotel for the wildlife garden. A letter will be sent out soon appealing for specific materials for this. The committee also would like to organise a litter pick in the wildlife garden.

‘Grow your Own’ have allocated tasks to each member of the group so everyone knows their role. Some children will be researching what plants and resources are needed while others will type up a proposal. In the next few months we hope to have grown some seedlings in class so that they will be strong enough to be planted outside, improving the appearance of the school grounds.

So far,  the Litter and Waste Committee, have created a litter picking rota and discussed ideas of how to encourage pupils to put their rubbish into the school bins. We have had some great ideas so far and look forward to implementing some of these in the coming months.

October Meeting

The Travel Plan Committee are trying to encourage all pupils to walk, cycle, scooter or park and stride to school. If they come in the car, they can complete laps of the playground! We are running a survey every Wednesday, with a prize for the class with the most people participating in our travel plan.

At our October meeting, our Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, showed our group  a presentation about ‘The Story of the Brazil Nut’.

We were able to identify South America and the Equator and identify the physical characteristics of a rainforest and learn about the different layers.

We discussed how Brazil nuts survive and about the work of Brazil nut gatherers. Brazil nut gatherers work hard to protect areas of the rainforest where Brazil nuts grow.

We enjoyed the group quiz about Fairtrade produce.

Click below to take the quiz.

Quiz task 2017 Answer Sheet