Tag Archives: Topic

P7 Visit to Scotland Street – WW2 Classroom

This afternoon, both P7 classes took a trip back in time to a 1939 classroom with Miss James. They had to change into a traditional uniform then they were lined up in a strict fashion before being instructed to their seats.

They had to recite their 2-5 times tables and then individually had to answer a question which was very nerve racking! They used a slate and chalk to answer five mental arithmetic questions (which even involved questions about shillings)!

Next they had a spelling test with the words: ration, siren, shelter, evacuation and coupon. After that, came the messy part when they had to use a fountain pen and ink. They copied the words from the chalkboard using cursive handwriting and used blotting paper to soak up the excess ink. Finally they wrote a label with their name, address, school and date of birth in case they had to be evacuated.

During the lesson, the pupils had to sit with their spines against the back of the chair, feet flat on the floor and ‘faces forward’. Miss James was a force to be reckoned with, without even using her belt! When Miss James came out of character, she explained that this was how pupils would have been taught and felt in 1939. Schools and teaching methods have changed so much since then. Tell someone at home what you enjoyed about the school experience and something you appreciate about how your school experience is today.

P5 The River Clyde – Mapping Task

Today we will be working on our second task for our River Clyde topic. By now each group should have researched a number of well known landmarks found on the River Clyde including where these landmarks are located. You are now going to use this information plus the links below to complete your maps.

As always you have a task sheet to guide you. Please follow the directions on your task sheet closely to ensure you cover all of the areas required.

The details of the learning outcomes and skills we are focusing on today can be found on your task sheet as well as your success criteria..

Only the links below should be used during this task.

River Clyde from Erskine and beyond

River Clyde Map

River Clyde Map 2

Clyde Tributaries

Facts about the River Clyde

Source of the River Clyde

P7 – WW2 Home Team Challenge

Supermarine Spitfire by rematuche - a classic

For your Home Team Challenge you are required to research and choose an appropriate form of WW2 aircraft used by the Royal Air Force. In your groups you should ensure you have read the task sheet clearly for the required criteria BEFORE beginning your research. 
Please use the links below to help with your research. You have ONE HOUR to gather together the required information.
WW2 Aircrafts

A History of WW2 Planes

 Happy researching!

P5 – The River Clyde

Image result for john brown's shipyard

This term our topic is the River Clyde. We are looking at many aspects of the River Clyde. One in particular is the shipbuilding industry as this has played a major role within our local communities over the years.

We were hoping that someone at home, may it be mum, dad or even grandparents, has (or still is) played a part in this industry in some way and would be willing to come in and talk to us about it.

If you are able to help us, please leave a post on our blog or put a note in your child’s diary.

Thanking you in advance.

Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Hughes

P5 – The River Clyde Research Task

Image result for john brown's shipyard

Today we will be working on our first task for our River Clyde topic. To have an understanding of the size of the River Clyde you need to be aware of the different places and landmarks found on the River Clyde. It really does cover a very large area!

As always you will have a task sheet to guide you. Please follow the directions on your task sheet closely to ensure you cover all of the areas required. This is a jigsaw task which means you will be responsible for learning about certain landmarks on behalf of your group. You will become the expert!

Please see your task sheet for details of the learning outcomes and skills we are focusing on today.

Only the links below should be used during this task.

The River Clyde  –  video Watch in class

History of the Clyde  –  video  Watch in class

The Titan Crane (Finnieston)

The Titan Crane (Scotstoun)

The Titan Crane (Clydebank)

The Titan Crane (Greenock)

PS Waverley

John Brown Shipyard

Dumbarton Castle 

Dumbarton Castle 2

Erskine Bridge

Newark Castle

Newark Castle 2

Cloch Lighthouse

Google Maps: The River Clyde

P7 Burns Supper

Well, the P7 classes have two very proud teachers because all of the planning and organising paid off! You hosted a successful Burns Supper with a total of 110 guests. We decorated the Gym Hall in the morning, had a quick run-through and then it was time for the actual event. Everything ran smoothly and the guests had a ball. Everyone was impressed with the performances and food. You truly did a wonderful job!




P7 Burns Supper Cooking

This morning we worked together to prepare and cook soup and shortbread for tomorrow afternoon’s Burns Supper. For the lentil and vegetable soup, we had to boil vegetable stock with red lentils to soften them. We had to peel and chop potatoes, grate carrots and dice leeks before adding them to the stock and lentils. The soup chefs did a marvellous job of preparing their ingredients and tidying and clearing the dishes. I can’t wait to taste the soup tomorrow!

P5S – Let’s Cook!

Image result for scales clipart

This morning you had the opportunity to bake some shortbread for the whole of Primary 5. Each group had to start from scratch and weigh out all of the ingredients before following the recipe. How closely did you follow the recipe? Did you follow the steps carefully? After all the mixing, it took a little time getting the consistency of the mixture right but we got there in the end.

After all the preparation was completed everyone had to tidy up and we had a few people washing the dishes for the first time. Maybe now you can help out at home!

We waited until this afternoon to try your shortbread so as not to spoil your lunch. What did you think of it? Would you be able to make it at home? If you would like a copy of the recipe, please ask.

P5H were making  cranachan for us all. This is a traditional Scottish dessert. Well done to all of you who tried it …… even when you weren’t so keen to do so! Some of you thoroughly enjoyed it and had a second helping.

As always, here are a few photographs from this morning.

P5H – Term 3 Groups

You have now been working in your new Home Team groups for a couple of weeks and I thought it was about time you showed someone at home your group banners. Please explain to them why your group chose your name and what your banner represents.

P5H Burns Artwork – 18.1.17

Last week you had a group art activity to complete for our Scotland topic and it was all about working as a team. Each group member had to work with their other group members to draw a different section of a picture of Robert Burns’ head.

You had to check you all had your paper positioned the same way. Did you remember? Next you had to make sure each drawing was drawn to scale. You also had to check with all of your group members to make sure each part of Burns’ face matched up. Did you do this enough?

Here are the completed drawings. Show someone at home the section(s) you drew for your group. Let me know what they think by posting a comment.

P5 – A Little More Dancing!

Image result for scotland flag

This afternoon we continued with our Scottish Country Dancing and once again, it was great to see so many smiling (albeit a little red) faces. Our dances today were rather energetic as we learned both the Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow.

The majority of you showed great maturity when dancing with one another. Well done to each of you. I was also very pleased at the feedback some of you gave when we discussed what was going well (WWW) with our dancing and how we could improve on it (EBI). Please remember this feedback for next week when we continue with our dancing sessions.

P5S – Our McCoo’s Artwork

Image result for steven brown mccoo

Today as part of our mini Scotland topic, we were looking at the artwork by a famous Scottish artist, Steven Brown,. We had to consider how he uses bold colours to create lively and bright paintings.

We focused on Steven Brown’s well known series of Highland cattle paintings known as the McCoo’s.  First we looked at some examples of Brown’s artwork and discussed the unique features of each of the cows. You all shared very interesting points about the similarities and differences between Brown’s artwork and were able to consider some of the techniques which he uses to create his paintings.

You all worked really hard on your pieces today, which we will complete tomorrow. Once everyone has finished, we will peer assess each other’s artwork, looking at its strengths and areas to work on. I can’t wait to see these masterpieces completed. They look fantastic!

Here are a few photographs of some of your McCoo masterpieces being created.

See you all tomorrow,

Miss Stanage


P7 Burns – Auld Lang Syne

Please practise these adapted words to Auld Lang Syne. We are using the music in the video below.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And auld lang syne?


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp,

And surely I’ll be mine!

And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


~Drums~ *faster


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


*Take hands in this verse


And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere,

And gie’s a hand o’thine!

And we’ll tak a right guid-willie waught

For auld lang syne.


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.


For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll tak a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.

P5S – Science Centre Visit

Image result for brown trout

Today we visited the Science Centre for the launch of our Clyde in the Classroom project. We learned how to look after the hatchery and the eggs once they arrive in school. You will be sharing this information with P5H next week. Both classes have a very exciting time ahead.

We were very lucky to have a little free time before the presentations and had the opportunity to visit the different exhibitions. You certainly seemed to have a lot of fun. Please tell someone at home about some of the different experiments you took part in.

P5S – Burns Artwork

Image result for robert burns

This week you had a group art activity to complete for our Scotland topic and it was all about the teamwork. The task involved each group member working together to draw different sections of a picture of Robert Burns’ head (just like the one above).

First you had to check you all had your paper positioned the same way. Did you? Next you had to ensure the drawing was drawn to scale. You also had to check with your group members to make sure each part of Burns’ face matched up. How many of you did this regularly?

Here are a few photographs of you working on this task.

Here are the completed drawings. They certainly are unique! Show someone at home the section (s) you completed for your group. Let me know what they think.







P5S – Robert Burns’ Research Task Posters

Image result for robert burns

Yesterday you completed your group poster on The Life of …… Robert Burns. For this task you each had to research different aspects of Robert Burns’ life and then display your information in a creative way. How did you do? Were you creative? Did you include lots of interesting information?

Show someone at home your completed poster. Let me know what they think.


The Clyde Rangers


Fantastic Funny Fish


The Fish Fingers


The Jolly Jellyfish


Team Clyde


Wacky Waverly’s

P5 – Scottish Country Dancing

Image result for scotland flag

As part of our Scotland topic this month we will be participating in  some Scottish Country Dancing. This morning we had a few grumbles from some of you (in both classes) who weren’t particularly keen to take part. However once our session was over this afternoon many of you told us just how much you enjoyed it. We had lots of “fists of fives” being shown! Plus, we had lots and lots of smiling going on. The photographs don’t lie!

Today we were focusing on two dances: the Gay Gordons and the Canadian Barn Dance. We had a wee taster of the Gay Gordons during term 1 and I am delighted at just how many of you remembered the steps. You have well and truly mastered this dance.  Well done!

In our Canadian Barn Dance we moved it up a notch and moved partners once we had mastered the basic steps. Once again, a huge well done as you managed this very well. Next week we will move onto some of the group dances – be ready!

Here are a few action shots for you to look at.


P7 Burns Supper Challenge – Session 2

This afternoon we were so impressed with the collaboration and creativity that went on! You worked in your own groups (Food and Drink, Entertainment, Administration or Decorations), to come up with ideas of how to plan and organise the Burns Supper. There were ideas and opinions shared while most people were listening and on task. There were very minimal squabbles while the sub-facilitators and facilitators worked hard to ensure everyone had a job and was on task. Your ‘to do’ lists are huge but we know if you work as well as you did this afternoon, it’s going to be an amazing afternoon! Have a look to see who was on task.

P5S – Robert Burns – The Life of …..

Image result for robert burns

Today we were researching the life of Robert Burns as part of our mini Scotland topic. Groups members researched different aspects of Burns’ life and recorded some very good information. This information was then shared with everyone in the group. Can you tell someone at home something you learned today?

Using your notes, you were then to think out of the box a little and create a poster showing all of your newfound knowledge on Robert Burns. We have some very interesting pieces being created. I look forward to showing them off once completed.

Here you all are hard at work, both in the ICT Suite and back in class.

P7 Robert Burns’ Fact File

Please take suitable notes in your topic jotter that can be transferred into your fact file.

 As a class we will watch the following videos:

Robert Burns

Robert Burns – Life and Times

In the ICT suite you should use the following links to research the life and history of Robert Burns.

Happy researching!

P5 – Robert Burns Research Task

Image result for robert burns

As part of our mini Scotland topic we will be researching the life of Robert Burns. In your groups you should decide who will be researching which aspect of Burns’ life. All notes will then be shared between group members. Please keep referring to your task sheet to ensure you are meeting the success criteria of the task.

Below you will find links to access to find the relevant information. You may also use the information books we have in class.

 The Story of Robert Burns (video)

Burns’ Poetry

Burns the Man   (access further links available)

Burns Biography

Robert Burns Facts

History of a Burns’ Supper

Burns’ Supper Running Order