Category Archives: General

Family Engagement Census


Parental Involvement and Engagement Census Parents – we would like to know how you feel about involvement with your child’s school. A new national survey asks about your involvement and engagement with your child’s school and their learning. The information gathered will help the school, local authority and Scottish Government fully understand the views of parents and carers and plan how school involvement and engagement with learning can be improved. Use this link to complete the survey If your children attend different schools you are welcome to complete the survey for each school. More information can be found at:

Family Engagement Census


In the first instance it is always advisable to seek support through school. Your child’s teacher will always be more than happy to discuss any matters which you feel may impact on learning. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the senior leadership team who may be able to support you or make contact with support networks for you.However, if you prefer not to contact school then the following support networks are available to parents and families:

  • Family Learning
  • Out and About
  • Mental Health
  • Clubs and Groups
  • Health and Fitness
  • Family Support

Updated April 2022

Polish Version

Romanian Version

Slovakian Version

Ukrainian Version

Canaan Barrie Signs


Canaan Barrie Sign System

Signing is a very effective way of encouraging a person’s communicative understanding and the understanding of spoken language. Importantly, it provides an accessible means of self-expression.

The Canaan Barrie ‘on body’ signing approach was developed in order to make signing, which is a visual means of communication, both meaningful and relevant to the person with complex support needs through the use of touch and other available senses. The method includes signing ‘in front’, ‘on body’ and ‘hands over.’

Welcome to the Parent Council

Hi all

At the start of this new school year I wanted to introduce myself as I have the pleasure of being the new Chair of the Fairview Parent Council. I am the dad of Sam in class 4 having moved up from England last year. As many of you will have experienced, moving home is a big enough deal on its own but when you have a child with additional needs it is even more scary. Finding Fairview with its wonderful staff and seeing how they welcomed and continue to support Sam convinced me to get involved in the Council.

Ann has done a wonderful job in the Chair role for more years than she cares to remember and I am really grateful that she is still on the Council to keep us (me) on the straight and narrow! The Council is one of our ways as parents and carers to engage with the school leadership outside of the immediate classroom setting, hear about what is coming up and discuss issues of concern or opportunities for improvement. The Council works best when it is a two way, open discussion and we are always keen for parents and carers to come to meetings or to raise issues to discuss. Our first meeting of the year is on 4 September (by Microsoft Teams). If you would like to attend please let me know. The Parent Council email address is or you can get in touch via the Fairview generic account (


Nick ward