Maths Monday 1st June

Monday’s Maths

Since today is the start of a new month AND a new season I thought we could do some work on months of the year and seasons of the year!
Today is the first day of June and it is the start of the season Summer

june-summer-month | CD Williamson Karate

Warm Up:

  • Can you remember how many months are in a year? Can you name them?
  • Can you remember how many seasons there are? Can you name them? 
Sing along with these videos to help you remember the months of the year and seasons – I have put on your favourite seasons song! Remember in America they call Autumn, ‘Fall’. 


Main Activity:

  • Have a look outside and see if you can spot any signs of summer
    What do the trees look like? Look at their leaves.
    Is it dark when you go to bed or get up in the morning?
    What are people wearing?
      What is the weather like?
  • If you can, have a go at this ‘Signs of Summer Scavenger Hunt’. I managed to find 6 of the items – can you beat me?

Summer Scavenger Hunt Printable •

Extra Challenge:

  • Draw a picture of yourself in summer – try to include as many signs of summer as possible. Think about what you would be wearing and where you would be. What would the weather be like?

Game to Support Learning: 

  • Play this fun game where you have to dress the character for the season….click here!
  • Click on the link to play the months of the year game….click here!

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