Morning Primary 1.
I hope you had a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Can you believe it’s June already? I hope you’re all well and ready for some more Home Learning tasks.
Phonics Monday
Today we are going to do some work on our sounds and learn about the sound ‘ff‘.
Warm Up:
Can you read these words with some of our digraphs?
Watch these clips to learn about ‘f’ and ‘ff’
Main Activity:
Read the ‘ff‘ words on the poster below
Choose a ‘ff’ word and try to write a sentence with it. Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop
Draw a picture to illustrate your ‘ff’ sentence
Extra Challenge:
Can you be a text detective and find any of the ff words in the wordsearch? Some of the words might be backwards – good luck!
Game to Support Learning:
Click on the picture below to play this ‘ff’ game. You need to select the ‘ff’ sound too!