Homework 02.03.20


  • It is World Book Day on Thursday. Children can bring in their favourite book to share with the class. If they don’t have a book to bring in, they can pick one from the class library.
  • It is the Pancake Breakfast on Friday – each class will be singing a few song in the hall. The Pancake Breakfast starts at 9:15am and p1 are singing at 10:30am.

Literacy Homework

  • Please continue to log into your Sumdog account and play the literacy  and numeracy games – these are great for improving reading and mental math skills. I can provide log-in details if you have forgotten yours.
  • This weeks words are:  could  down   big    our

  • This weeks sound is th.  We learned that the th sound makes 2 different sounds – th as in thumb, bath and th as in they, those.  We found it a bit tricky because lots of us wanted to make the ‘f’ sound.  Remember you need to stick your tongue out like the cheeky clown in the song!
  • Can you use your sound cards to make the th words below.
  • moth
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any th words in your book?
    Maths Homework
    • We have been learning to tell the time when it is o’clock and half- past the hour. Can you find any more clocks outside of your house – at your grandparents, your friends house, the shops?
    • Have a go at playing with this clock on your tablet:
    • https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock

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