Third Term

A belated Happy New Year to the family and friends of all in Primary 7b. I hope you had a lovely break, it seems a long time ago now!

We have been working extremely hard on our maths looking at division with single and double digits, a struggle at first most we have cracked it! We had a visitor from Cumbernauld Academy in to watch us during maths time this week and he was most impressed. Well done!

We have been reading, writing and reciting Scots poetry. We managed to use Scots language to create unique poems of our own. We were also first runner up at the Burns Competition! Fantastic effort from everyone!

Our Scottish dancing is coming along and we are looking forward to our ceilidh  and Burns Supper next week.

We have begun talking about choices for our activity week in June but it is still a while away and there is plenty of hard work in between!

Our dojo winner this week was Chloe and Kirstie earned our Responsible Citizen award. Well done girls!