Upper School Prelim Exams

Prelim examinations for  pupils in S5 & S6 begin on Monday the 6th of February and end  on Thursday the 16th. Pupils should attend school at the time of their exams.

In the interim we encourage all pupils to study hard and attend supported study where available.

Good luck to all the pupils involved!

Don’t doubt yourself,  WORK HARD and make it happen

                                                                                                                                 T Edison

Children’s Wellbeing Survey

All S1 – S4 pupils in Taylor High are invited to take part in a children’s wellbeing survey in line with authority guidelines. This will involve pupils completing a short online questionnaire during school time on their lives and wellbeing. During assemblies this week and next week all pupils will be issued an important information letter for parents and carers which gives details about the survey.

Please check your child’s bag if you do not receive the information letter

S4 National 5 Progress Assessments

S4 Written National 5 Progress Assessments will take place every morning from Tuesday 29 November until Wednesday 7 December. National 5 Hospitality students will be given a separate date by their teacher for their practical exam. Students will be issued with their timetable by the end of the week. Hard work and concentrated study will see great results. Good luck to all S4 students sitting exams!

Christmas Dates for your Diary

S2/3 Christmas Dance Monday 5 December 7.00pm – 9.30pm

Christmas Fayre Thursday 8 December 4.00pm – 7.00pm

Christmas Lunch Wednesday 14 December Lunchtime

S1 Christmas Dance Wednesday 14 December 7.00pm – 9.00pm

S1 Panto Trip Monday 19 December 12.30pm – 3.45pm

S4/5/6 Christmas Dance Tuesday 20 December 7.00pm – 10.00pm

Wagamama event

Before the summer break, as part of Taylor High School’s commitment to ‘Developing our Young Workforce’, the New S4 cohort experienced an introduction to the world of work by having a live demonstration from the incredibly talented Wagamama crew from the Glasgow Fort branch. The main driver behind the session was to deliver a work relevant educational experience for our young people, and the guys at Wagamama brought an incredible vibe which has contributed towards our students being able to make an informed choice about the potential jobs and careers which are just on their doorstep.

As part of the enhanced programme that was delivered, Head Chef, Garry Rae presented a short introduction to the organisation and introduced the students to the story and history of Wagamama, and also introduced the types of jobs that are available within the UK wide brand.

After the presentation, Garry and his incredibly talented team held ‘breakaway sessions’ to showcase Wagamama’s emphasis on healthy eating, freshness and flavour. Students were able to move around live cookery stations which included a fresh juice bar, a live cookery demonstration event displaying some of the incredibly tasty dishes that are on offer on their menu and an ingredients table which gave students exposure to the type of exotic Asian ingredients that are used within the cookery at the restaurant.

The 154 strong student cohort all thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were fully engaged throughout enjoying all of the free samples on offer, especially all of the fresh Ramen dishes that were made right in front of them at the live cookery station.

As part of Wagamama’s commitment to helping the community and assisting young people into work, Mr Williams’ Hospitality class have been invited into the Glasgow Fort branch to learn more about understanding and using ingredients and the class will take part in a cooking challenge to make their own Ramen dish (noodle broth). During these sessions the class will be taught how to make fresh food, and at the same time, have the opportunity the work within a commercial kitchen environment which will give them a valuable insight into the world of work within the hospitality industry.

We all have a stake in supporting our young people into the work force and on behalf of Miss Daley and Mr Williams we would like to thank Wagamama at Glasgow Fort helping us work towards achieving this.



S6 Careers Education Programme

All  S6 students planning to attend higher education will be given the opportunity to visit Strathclyde University on Tuesday 6 September as part of an organised school trip.

For further information please see Mr Phairs.


Exam Results

The following advice lines will operate to support  candidates with their queries around the time of results day.

SQA Candidate Advice Line

The Candidate Advice Line will run from Tuesday 9 – Friday 12 August 2016, providing general information to candidates and answering questions about the Scottish Qualifications Certificate. The Candidate Advice Line operators will have no access to candidates’ results. Candidates enquiring about their results should contact their school .

The Candidate Advice Line will be open from 8am until 6pm on 9 August, and from 8.30am until 5pm on 10, 11 and 12 August.

Candidates can telephone 0345 279 1000 or complete and return our Candidate Enquiry Form, which they can find at www.sqa.org.uk/candidateenquiryform

Candidates should also seek general information from www.sqa.org.uk

Careers Helpline

Skills Development Scotland will run an Exam Results Helpline from 8am – 8pm on 9 and 10 August, and from 9am – 5pm on 11 – 17 August, offering candidates impartial careers advice and information. Candidates can telephone 0808 100 8000 or visit www.myworldofwork.co.uk/examresults

New Term 2016-17

We are all looking forward to welcoming all our students for our new term which begins on Wednesday 17 August at 8.55am. New S1 students will go straight to the Theatre and all other students will attend a special registration slot to get a new timetable. Lists will be published around the building to direct you to your registration room. See you soon…..

S5/6 Options Interviews

SQA results will be with students on Tuesday 9 August. S5/6 Students are invited to attend an options interview in the school on Thursday 11 August to discuss any changes to options after SQA results are published. S5 should attend between 10am-12pm and S6 between 12pm – 2pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone.