Category: Latest News

Taylor High School Christmas Fayre

Taylor High School Christmas Fayre

Thursday 27 November 2014, 4.30pm – 7.00pm


The School’s Annual Christmas Fayre will be held from 4.30pm until 7.00pm on Thursday 27 November in aid of school funds. It is hoped that by holding the Fayre after school it will enable parents, staff and pupils to attend and avoid impacting on valuable time at the weekend in the run up to Christmas. This event is a school fundraising event for the benefit of our whole school community.   The school really needs your help to make this event a success and I take this opportunity to ask you to support the event in the following ways:



The provisional list of stalls for the event is:

  • Rodeo Reindeer
  • Hamper Raffles
  • Bouncy Castle
  • Bottle Stall
  • Jewellery Stall
  • Handcrafted Gifts Stall
  • Enterprise Stall
  • Cake and Candy Stall
  • Book/DVD/CDs
  • Cake & Candy Stall
  • Tombola/Children’s Tombola
  • Toys
  • Visit Santa
  • Buskers
  • Tearoom
  • Groceries Stall


I ask you to support this ambitious event by donating items for one or more of the stalls.   Pupils should bring in at least 2 small items on the day and Registration Teachers will inform them where items should be taken for storage. If for any reason you are able to donate a large item, I would ask that you phone the school to arrange delivery, the school is open to 10pm Monday to Friday. An adult should deliver any bottles of alcohol for the tombola. Pupils may bring in all other bottles.



Thursday 27 November will be a non-uniform day in aid of our fundraising effort for the Fayre. On this occasion pupils who attend school out of uniform will be expected to donate 2 items in good condition for one or more of the stalls listed overleaf plus £2. As always, the authority’s dress code continues to apply in that football colours or any other form of dress that could cause offence must not be worn.


Got your Own Business or Know Someone who has?

We are also happy to consider providing a space for any business that may have goods that they would like to sell at the Fayre. If you know anyone in this position please phone the school on 01698 274976.


Finally, entry to the Fayre costs £2 for adults and £1 for children, please come along on the night and join in the fun.

‘ Peace Dove Card’ craft activity

‘ Peace Dove Card’ craft activity will be held in the Library on Friday 5 December and Friday 12 December from 12.25 – 1.10.

The library will be closed during this time to let us use all the tables for the craft activityl.

If you are interested in coming along and you haven’t already given your name to Miss MacIntyre please pop into the library and put your name down as we need to know numbers in advance.



The school’s annual Christmas Fayre will take place on Thursday 27th November from 4.30 – 7.00pm. This will feature many of the usual stalls including Santa’s Grotto, Bouncy Castle, Tombola, Bottle Stall, Christmas Hamper Raffle and lots more. Donations for this year’s Fayre are welcome. Funds raised go to school funds for a wide range of activities throughout the year.


Well done to Gold Medal winner Liam Buchanan of Fifth year. Liam recently took part in the North Lanarkshire schools’ swimming championships in the Matt Busby Sports Complex. Liam won Gold in both the 100 metres and 200 metres breaststroke in the 17-19 years age group. Well done to Liam!


Massive congratulations to the S1/S2 rugby team who battled heroically on last week at Dalziel Rugby club’s school tournament, to claim Taylor High Schools first victory in competition. The team won games against strong sides from Belllshill and Coatbridge, and in doing so became League winners in their section. In all, Taylor High Rugby club ran in 14 tries in a competitive tournament, playing both physical and intelligent rugby along the way. Pupils involved in the success of the tournament were Martin Oates, Cameron Leonard, Ryan Curran, John James Rodger, Sulaiman Sabir, Ronin Barrett, Cameron McGowan, Nathan Nugent, Louis Douglas,

Kai Rudzki, David McKeown, Robbie Keys, Ryan Mimnaugh, Aidan McDade and Antony Taylor. The team’s success was down to hard work and commitment to training. Thanks to Mr Williams and Mr Heron for all their hard work; they are incredibly proud of their team’s performance and efforts.

Their next game will be a 13-a-side game against Bellshill at Dalziel Rugby Club at the end of November.


A group of 20 Fouth Year students recently enjoyed a Chemistry trip to Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh for the celebration of National Oil and Gas Week. Representatives from the oil and gas industry as well as the renewable sector were their to provide students with information in the different careers available in the industry. Pupils got a chance to meet the experts and ask valuable questions. They also took part in a workshop which involved hands on activities dealing with non-stainable and stainable energy. The group were accompanied by Miss Lennon (Teacher of Chemistry) and Mrs Valente (Teacher of Modern Studies). The young people had a fantastic time at the excursion organised by Miss Lennon.


Recently the Sixth Year boys booted up to take on the male staff in a charity football match in order to raise money for SCIAF. The end result was 3-0 with the Sixth Year boys coming out on top on this occasion. The highlight of the game was a solo goal from Jack Shearer ending with a 25 yarder into the top corner giving the goalkeeper no chance! However, the teachers did question some of the referee’s decisions, and complained about some of the robust tackling meted out by the Sixth Years! Very well done to Sixth Year students Anthony Blair and Stephen Shields who organised this event as part of the Caritas Programme. A good sum of money was raised for SCIAF??. Thanks to Mr McMahon (Principal Teacher of Religious Education) who supported the students with the organisation of this match, and to all staff and pupil participants.


Sixth Year students intending to attend University following Taylor High School are currently working together with Stage Head Mrs Frances Seggie and other staff to put the finishing touches to their personal statements in preparation for submission to UCAS. Pupils will also meet with a staff mentor to offer additional support and guidance through their application. We wish them all the very best!


Two of our Sixth Year House Captains recently represented Taylor High School Pupil Councils at the launch of North Lanarkshire Strategy for Working with Young People conference. Dylan Bell and Sophie Daly attendend the event at Airdrie Town Hall where they enjoyed presentations, discussion groups and hearing from young people across the Authority. Dylan and Sophie will now share good practice with the Pupil Councils across all stages at their forthcoming meetings. Thanks to Depute Head Mrs Sandra Devlin who co-ordinated this visit. All of our Sixth Year House Captains have now met with their allocated year group councils with plans in place for a positive year ahead.


Our Social Subjects department is currently organising an excursion to London, scheduled to tale place in June 2015. This residential trip, aimed at Fourth Year Students, will be based on the Geography, History and Modern Studies courses with various activities designed to support our young people in their curricular work. Our pupils are already highly anticipating this visit, and thanks go to Principal Teacher of Social Subjects Miss Heidi Stoutjesdyk for her organisation of this worthwhile excursion that has been a huge success over recent years.