Taylor High School Christmas Fayre

Taylor High School Christmas Fayre

Thursday 27 November 2014, 4.30pm – 7.00pm


The School’s Annual Christmas Fayre will be held from 4.30pm until 7.00pm on Thursday 27 November in aid of school funds. It is hoped that by holding the Fayre after school it will enable parents, staff and pupils to attend and avoid impacting on valuable time at the weekend in the run up to Christmas. This event is a school fundraising event for the benefit of our whole school community.   The school really needs your help to make this event a success and I take this opportunity to ask you to support the event in the following ways:



The provisional list of stalls for the event is:

  • Rodeo Reindeer
  • Hamper Raffles
  • Bouncy Castle
  • Bottle Stall
  • Jewellery Stall
  • Handcrafted Gifts Stall
  • Enterprise Stall
  • Cake and Candy Stall
  • Book/DVD/CDs
  • Cake & Candy Stall
  • Tombola/Children’s Tombola
  • Toys
  • Visit Santa
  • Buskers
  • Tearoom
  • Groceries Stall


I ask you to support this ambitious event by donating items for one or more of the stalls.   Pupils should bring in at least 2 small items on the day and Registration Teachers will inform them where items should be taken for storage. If for any reason you are able to donate a large item, I would ask that you phone the school to arrange delivery, the school is open to 10pm Monday to Friday. An adult should deliver any bottles of alcohol for the tombola. Pupils may bring in all other bottles.



Thursday 27 November will be a non-uniform day in aid of our fundraising effort for the Fayre. On this occasion pupils who attend school out of uniform will be expected to donate 2 items in good condition for one or more of the stalls listed overleaf plus £2. As always, the authority’s dress code continues to apply in that football colours or any other form of dress that could cause offence must not be worn.


Got your Own Business or Know Someone who has?

We are also happy to consider providing a space for any business that may have goods that they would like to sell at the Fayre. If you know anyone in this position please phone the school on 01698 274976.


Finally, entry to the Fayre costs £2 for adults and £1 for children, please come along on the night and join in the fun.

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