Category: Latest News


Taylor’s new appointed Prefects have begun to undertake the various roles and responsibilities around the school, both during the school day and at extra-curricular events. This is a perfect role for students in sixth year who want to take on extra responsibility, extend their experience and provide themselves with opportunities which will support their applications to college and university and to work. The responsibilities include Lunchtime canteen, sports and library supervision, helping out within individual departments throughout the day and also supporting teachers at parent’s nights. They have being do a wonderful job so far. Keep up the good work!


Taylor High School recently welcomed Primary 7 pupils and families, Sixth Year Students and their parents and staff from both Taylor High and associated Primary schools to celebrate our annual Primary 7 Welcome Mass. The service was followed by a reception and a tour of the school. Our Sixth Year students shared responsibility for the organisation of the evening which welcomes future Taylor High pupils to the school community with our House Captains carrying out their first official duties of the year. This is a very important year for both sets of young people as the primary seven pupils prepare to move to Taylor High School, and our Sixth Year students prepare to move on from school to training, employment or Further or Higher Education. Thanks go to Fr. Martin Delaney for celebrating the Mass with our school community, Mrs. Louisa McGraw (Deputy Head Teacher) for her co-ordination of the event, and Fiona Cannon (Principal Teacher of Music) supported by staff and pupils of the Music Department, for providing the musical liturgy. Music students also performed alongside staff in the accompanying instrumental ensemble. Our House Captains Erin Banks, Joseph Clark, Danielle Muldoon, Sean Rice, Ciaran Toal, and Gemma Thomas, and our Vice Captains Lucy McLeish, Josh Clifford, Damilola Kareem and Lucy McLeish were a great support on the evening contributing to the liturgy and supporting our Primary Seven Intercessory Prayer readers who also did a fantastic job.


Taylor High School is one of two secondary schools in North Lanarkshire with an official Twitter account. Numerous schools have set up unofficial twitter accounts but Taylor High and Greenfaulds High School have been asked by the authority to assess the use of Twitter by schools and to report to the authority on any issues which emerge during the next few months when using the account.


Staff and students had another fantastic time on the annual whole school excursion to Blackpool last week after it was postponed from June. Seven buses full of students enjoyed this year’s trip. The weather for the day was fantastic, and the young people should be commended on the manner in which they conducted themselves throughout the day. They were a credit to themselves and the school. We returned to Taylor with the usual cuddly toys and sticks of rock. Thanks go to Miss Nicola Daley, Depute Head Teacher who coordinated this visit for everyone to enjoy! You can check out some of our photos from the day on our Twitter page @TaylorHS1982


Shocked by pictures and stories in the press the S6 Caritas students, supported by Mr. McMahon, Principal Teacher of Religious Education and Mrs. Burton, Principal Teacher of English, have responded by launching an appeal to gather essentials for those refugees currently living in Calais. In response to an appeal by local volunteers from the group Wishaw to Calais, the school have set up their own group to raise awareness and co-ordinate efforts, by collecting as much as possible by the end of September (for transportation in mid-October.) Donations of toiletries (wipes, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap etc.) can be handed in to the school or given to any student to hand in.


Last weekend North Lanarkshire ran a cultural festival day to promote and celebrate the Glasgow Commonwealth Games and its legacy. There were many fun activities throughout the day and Taylor High’s very own Amy McNaughton took part in the day with her Jump Rope Academy group. Jump Rope Academy is a skipping organisation and Amy and the rest of her teammates put on a fantastic show skipping to crowds and then working with young children on the day to get them involved. Well done Amy, you are a great asset to Taylor High School.


The ceremony to recognise pupil achievement in Fourth to Sixth Year for session 2014-15 took place last week. This event recognised success of students from Fourth through to Sixth Year on a wide variety of fronts including academic achievement, consistency of achievement, contribution to school and community, sporting success and attendance among other areas. Our thanks go to The Lord Advocate Right Honourable Frank Mulholland QC. Frank Mullholland is a Scottish lawyer who’s legal career has span over four decades.He has held Scotland’s top legal position as Lord Advocate since May 2011. He was the first Advocate Depute and Senior Advocate appointed within the Procurator Fiscal Service, and only the second non-advocate appointed to the office of the Lord Advocate. Frank came from vary modest roots in Coatbridge where he grew up and has worked extremely hard throughout his career to get where he is today. He was a very motivating and inspiring speaker who spoke eloquently to our young people, many who are about to embark on new journeys beyond Taylor High. We thank Frank for his very motivating words and advice to our young people at this memorable event. This was, as always, a very successful evening with a number of musical interludes presented by staff and students of the Music Department led by Principal Teacher Fiona Cannon. The music as always was truly spectacular, with both the performance and song-writing talents of many of our young people on display throughout each performance. Sophie Ho of Second Year opened the programme with an advanced solo piano piece, whilst both Second Year student Amy Louise Brogan and Fourth Year students Anna Cormack, Niamh Provan and Dionne Devine performed their own original compositions supported by our staff and pupil instrumental ensemble and large scale chorus! The musical performances for the evening were concluded by our National 5 and Higher students who delivered their own musical arrangement supported again by our choir and instrumentalists. The Jazz Band also provided a highly enjoyable performance for our guests on the evening supported by department staff and peripatetic music staff. This was well received by pupils, parents and invited guests.

Thanks to Depute Head Louisa McGraw who co-ordinated the event with the support of a large number of staff and pupils. Particular thanks to our superb Music Department led by Fiona Cannon, Principal Teacher of Music and colleagues, for the outstanding entertainment provided on the night! Thanks also to Mrs. Amanda Fairley and the team of office staff for the all the work that went on behind the scenes. The night proved extremely poignant and moving in places and we congratulate all the young people on their outstanding success.


Taylor’s Third Year Options Information Meeting takes place from 7 – 9pm on Thursday 19 March. The meeting is aimed at our current Second Year cohort and their parents/carers and offers them the opportunity to be informed of students’ subject options and visit different departments around the school to find out in more detail from departmental staff what is on offer as they embark on their Third Year studies. Thanks to all staff who are contributing to the preparation and delivery of the evening. Their continued support of the young people at Taylor High School is greatly valued.