Category: Latest News

Taylor High SCIAF Pilgrimage and Solidarity Walk to South Sudan.

We are walking virtually to South Sudan for Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) because we are in unity with the people of South Sudan.

This year SCIAF has partnered with Just Giving to create a Virtual Wee Box. 

See the source image

As part of our #HopeUnityInCommunity, see the link below to donate.

Taylor High SCIAF Just Giving page


Remember to name the pupil you are sponsoring in the comment section and leave them a message of support!

Thank you for your donations and good luck on your journey to Sudan!

Virtual Pilgrimage to South Sudan.

Mr Hewitt will be doing two assemblies on Thursday 25th February to launch our virtual pilgrimage to South Sudan to raise money for SCIAF!
The BGE assembly will be at 14:00.
Please join in via the BGE channel in the Whole School Community teams page.
The Senior Phase assembly will be at 13:15 – 13:45.
Please join in via the senior phase channel in the Whole School Community teams page to find out how you can do your bit to bring hope to the lives of people with disabilities in South Sudan.
All S1-S6 pupils should attend the appropriate session.
See the source image

Week 1 – Live lesson timetable 22/02/21

The live lesson schedules for week 1 have been attached below. S1/2/3 are under ‘BGE’ and s4 and s5/6 have been separated this week.

BGE LL TT 19.02.21

S4 LL TT 19.02.21

S5:S6 LL TT 19.02.21

We understand that some live lessons might overlap with others and/or might clash with other live lessons of other pupils in your household. Pupils should attend as many live lessons as possible and do their best to keep up to date with the work provided on teams.

If there are any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact our digital support team at:

Also, If there are any other issues, please contact your child’s pupil support teacher.

*Please see important information on the previous posts below with regards to certain practical pupils attending school as of next week.*

Thank you and Stay Safe.

Practical Pupils Next week.

A reminder to all parents/carers that all those who should attend school next week for Practical learning and teaching have been informed personally through their glow.

Only pupils that have been invited into school should attend. 

Not all practical classes require pupils to be in school.  Please do not send your child to school next week unless they have been specifically asked to do so.

Return of Senior Phase Practical pupils.

Following the First Minister’s announcement on Tuesday, a small number of S4-S6 pupils may return to school to complete teaching and learning for practical subjects.

Only pupils who have been asked to attend school, should do so, in their full uniform. If practical work can be completed via home learning, it should continue as normal.

Please read the Head Teacher’s letter, attached below, which details a practical timetable and FAQ’s about your child returning to school for practical work.

Parental Letter 18th Feb

Thank you and Stay Safe everyone!

See the source image        See the source image  See the source imageSee the source image

S1 Free Book Offer

Image result for books

Please find attached below, a letter from Mrs Burton which has been emailed to all S1 parents regarding the NLC “Read to Succeed”  initiative.

RTS letter 050221

Pupils should choose ONE book from the online book catalogue (attached) and submit their choice via MS Forms (see below).

NLC_Choice of Books

 Read to Succeed 2021 Order Form .

Any issues with the form or any questions should be directed by emailing:

You can also use this email to order your book if that is easier.

Please note you should notify Mrs Burton of you child’s chosen book by FRIDAY 19th FEBRUARY 2021.

See the source image

NLC Remote learning Surveys

NLC are keen to listen to all our parents/carers views about remote learning by inviting you to complete a quick online survey. The link is below and will accept responses until Thursday 18th February.

Survey for Parents – 

Survey for Pupils 

We really appreciate you giving your time to complete these surveys. NLC are eager to hear from the parents/pupils to improve to quality of  you and your child’s home learning experience.

Thank you! Stay Safe.

Image result for your feedback matters

WEEK 2 – Live lesson schedule for 15/02/21

The live lesson schedules for week 2 have been attached below. S1/2/3 are under ‘BGE’ and s4/5/6 are under ‘Senior Phase.’

Week 2 BGE TT

Week 2 Senior Phase TT

Image result for online learning

We understand that some live lessons might overlap with others and/or might clash with other live lessons of other pupils in your household. Pupils should attend as many live lessons as possible and do their best to keep up to date with the work provided on teams.

If there are any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact our digital support team at:

Also, If there are any other issues, please contact your child’s pupil support teacher.

Please see important information attached below.

Parent Letter 12.02.21

WEEK 2 – Live lesson schedule for 01/02/21

The live lesson schedules for week 2 have been attached below. S1/2/3 are under ‘BGE’ and s4/5/6 are under ‘Senior Phase.’

Week 2 BGE TT

Week 2 Senior Phase TT

Is online education as effective as traditional on-campus schooling?We understand that some live lessons might overlap with others and/or might clash with other live lessons of other pupils in your household. Pupils should attend as many live lessons as possible and do their best to keep up to date with the work provided on teams.

If there are any technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact our digital support team at:

Also, If there are any other issues, please contact your child’s pupil support teacher.

Please see important information attached below.

Parent Letter 29.01.21 01