Author: Miss McHugh

P7 Transition Visits to Taylor: Tues. 16 – Thurs. 18 June

We are preparing for our P7 transitions visit next week. All pupils will know their class and practical section by then. The dates and timings for the visits are listed below.

Class 1.1 – Tuesday 16th June (9.30 – 10.30)

Class 1.2 – Tuesday 16th June (11.30 – 12.30)

Class 1.3 – Wednesday 17th June (9.30-10.30)

Class 1.4 – Wednesday 17th June (11.30 – 12.30)

Class 1.5 – Thursday 18th June (9.30 – 10.30)

Class 1.6 – Thursday 18th June (11.30 – 12.30)

Pupil are asked to arrive at the main entrance at the time stated and will leave again from here. Socially distanced markings will be visible in the yard in 3 groups of 10.  Pupils will be escorted into the building by a member of staff.  On entering the building each pupil must use the hand sanitiser provided.

**ALL pupils should wear casual clothes that are easy to wash**

Please remind your child to maintain a 2m distance as they move towards the school theatre. Pupils will hear from Mr McCormick (HT), Mr McQuaid, DHT and Mr McPake (PTPS).  They will be provided with a stationery pack and a transition booklet.

Pupils will then tour the school in small groups and will be introduced to the health and safety procedures which will be implemented in August in line with COVID-19 advice. They will then have an opportunity to meet with their new classmates and socialise with them in the school canteen (the canteen will have markings to ensure social distancing). They will be provided with a hot snack, drink and a treat free of charge.

Parents / Carers should wait outside in the car park to collect their child (they must not enter the school building). Pupils will be escorted again in small groups to the front entrance and will remain in socially distanced lines until collected by a parent/carer.

If you wish your child to walk home please provide them with a note to confirm this.

If your child is displaying any of the extended list of symptoms associated with COVID-19 they must remain at home. Please contact the school (Tel. 01698 274976) and arrangements will be made to send the transition booklet and pack home.

We look forward to meeting you all.


Third Year curriculum choice

All parents and carers have now been issued with the most recent Second Year tracking report which was compiled just before lockdown. In addition, all parents and carers of current Second Year pupils should have received the updated Immersion Choice form for completion and return.

The member of the Pupil Support Team dealing with each class in respect of this process is as follows:

  • 2.1 Mrs. D. Connell
  • 2.2 Mrs.  J. McGuigan
  • 2.3 Mr. C. Phairs
  • 2.4 Mrs. L. A. Wilson
  • 2.5 Mrs. S. Murphy

Details of how to contact the relevant member of Pupil Support by telephone and the email address to use to return the completed form were provided in the email sent last week. If, for any reason, you have not received this email or have inadvertently deleted it, please contact the school by telephone on 01698 274976 to obtain relevant contact details. Please also see link below to the form.

Immersion Curriculum Choice Form June 2020

I would ask that these forms are returned promptly by email. Subject choices should be entered into the relevant text boxes on the form.

In addition Mrs Murphy , S3 Pupil Support teacher, may be contacted via your child’s registration class Glow team. Miss Rooney, Stage Head, can be contacted at the school.

All Pupil Support staff have a work mobile which is monitored by North Lanark Council. Please feel free to call this number (available in the email or from the school) to contact the relevant member of Pupil Support.

Please submit the completed form as soon as possible and no later than Monday 15th June 2020.

Literacy and Numeracy Activities for All!

Memo regarding New S1

Normally at this time of year the Support for Learning Department at Taylor High School would be visiting primary schools to assess identified pupils so that we can prepare individualised programmes of support. I want to reassure you that this will take place as soon as we are able to work with the pupils and the support will be provided as required. Our transition programme begins when the pupils are in Primary 6 and we already have a great deal of information which we can disseminate amongst our secondary colleagues so that those pupils who need it  are supported in class from the outset. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me through your headteacher and I will answer your questions.

I look forward to working with your son/daughter.

Anna Robertson (PT Support for Learning, Taylor High School)

Memo regarding current S1/S2  Here is some information about Additional Support materials for Literacy and Numeracy.

Pencil PNG, Pencil Transparent Background - FreeIconsPNGRead, Write, Inc Groups

Mrs Weir has been posting work for pupils to complete via Edmodo. This is a great way to continue to practise tasks to improve literacy skills.

IDL Learning

Pupils who require additional support with literacy (including those who work on Read, Write, Inc) and those who are in Mr Dorris’s, Mr Harty’s or Mrs Bergen’s maths classes have access to IDL Learning. They can use this resource daily to help improve their literacy and numeracy skills. Even as little as 15 minutes a day will help keep them up to speed. If they have forgotten their login it is:

Username: (first name, first initial of surname) then add @ml14jp

Password: taylor

Eg. John Smith         Username: johns@ml14jp        Password: taylor

 Maths Numeracy Workout (Extra maths work)

This is a great resource to help improve pupils’ mental maths and to help with various topics across Geometry and Measure, and Statistics and Probability. It is self-correcting and pupils can work through a variety of levels from basic to more advanced. Half an hour a day gives pupils an additional way of supporting their maths skills.

Username: taylor

Password: circle41

Memo regarding current S3/4/5

At present work is being provided by subject teachers. If your son/daughter is finding the work challenging please contact me and I will do my best to support them remotely on an individual basis as I would have had they been in school.

Maths Numeracy Workout  (Extra maths work)

This is a great resource to help improve pupils’ mental maths and also to help with various topics across Geometry and Measure, and Statistics and Probability. It is self-correcting and pupils can work through a variety of levels from basic to more advanced. Half an hour a day gives pupils an additional way of supporting their maths skills.

Username: taylor

Password: circle41

Calling all incoming S1 parents and pupils!

We have created an S1 Transitions twitter that will provide parents and pupils with important updates and information to help prepare their child for High School.

We understand that pupils preparing to attend High school for the first time may be a little nervous and that this feeling could be heightened during the current pandemic when access to the school is very limited. We  hope to answer any questions or queries about joining Taylor High  School, and make the S1 transition as smooth as possible.

Follow our S1 Transitions page by searching ‘Taylor High Transitions’ on twitter, or click the link below:


Calling all Creative Content!

Taylor High School is excited to announce our new, forthcoming magazine – The Taylor Quarantimes. It will be a chance for everyone (pupils and teachers alike) to share their quarantine tips, stories and creations.

Magazine clipart transparent, Magazine transparent Transparent ...


We are looking for submissions; these could be short stories, sketches, comics, poems, articles, art work, pictures and much more. Anything you can think of writing about, we want to read about it. You can share your study tips, gardening, cooking, crafts or just a joke. We are also looking for reviews on the books you’ve been reading and the shows you’ve been watching during lockdown.

Angle,Text,Brand PNG Clipart - Royalty Free SVG / PNG


This will provide some quality entertainment if you are bored during lockdown. This is a chance for all you artists, creators, journalists, reviewers and writers to showcase your talent!

If you are feeling creative, forward your work to Miss Corrigan at:

**All emails sent to this address will be logged for inappropriate content by North Lanarkshire Council and action will be taken if required.**

We look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!



Bake it til’ you make it!

The Library and the Home Economics department have collaborated to come up with a ‘dough-tastic’ idea! Introducing…

Do you have a favourite recipe that you would like to share? Then Taylor’s lockdown cookbook is for you! We are welcoming all parents, pupils and staff to get creative in the kitchen! Can you rise to the challenge?

The Recipe for cookbook success:

Step 1: Write your recipe name.

Step 2: Write your recipe list, including weights and measurements.

Step 3: Write your method and add pictures (if you have any).

Step 4: Please email your ‘Beautiful bakes’ by Friday 15th May to;

**All emails sent to this address will be logged for inappropriate content by North Lanarkshire Council and action will be taken if required.**

Don’t be afraid to take ‘whisks’ !!

Get Baking!

Newarthill coronavirus community support.




In partnership with

Community Action Newarthill.


  • Has your income been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Are you self isolating, shielding or need support?
  • Are you in Newarthill, Carfin, New Stevenson, Cleland or Holytown?

We can:

  • Deliver FREE food, toiletries and other necessities.
  • Collect and deliver prescriptions.
  • Call and check up on you.


CALL: 07714 252 863 or 07722 881 777



FACEBOOK: Newarthill Coronavirus Community Support


Trouble sleeping?

During this unprecedented situation we are all facing regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to offer support to parents, families and children who may be anxious, stressed, worried and emotional about their loved ones wellbeing and their own wellbeing too.

We recognise that these anxieties can greatly affect ‘sleep’ which is a natural process. We all need sleep and our health and wellbeing could be greatly reduced by not getting enough sleep, particularly at these challenging times.

To help cope with these stresses, support given through SLEEP COUNSELLING will be offered to those in need and a qualified sleep counsellor will be at hand to answer questions, suggest ideas, offer visuals and strategies or even just be a listening ear to help reduce any anxieties to our parents and families that lead to poor sleep hygiene.

Please contact:

Download Free png Sleep PNG File Download Free -

or call 077538300446 for further details.

Tutorials for accessing resources.

Here are a number of tutorials created by Miss Cluckie that will help parents/carers/pupils  access the different resources we are using online for distance learning.

Video 1:  Accessing Glow Sharepoint

Video 2:  Accessing Microsoft Teams

Video 3:  Accessing Edmodo