Category Archives: Whole School

Uniform Measuring

School Uniform Fittings

In St. Michael’s we have almost 100% of our pupils who wear formal uniform.

It is our intention to continue to raise the profile of our school, raise attainment through the formality of schooling and to keep our pupils safe within the school and out with in the community.

To date there is a census from our parents that they wholeheartedly support the school and endorse its values regarding a formal uniform.  We will continue to work in partnership with parents and guardians to offer all our pupils a high standard of education including a high standard of dress code and extend an invitation to our new parents to our school to work with us to enable this.

Our uniform supplier “Logos-On” will visit the school on Tuesday 1st May  and Wednesday 23rd   May  with a range of school pinafores, trousers, cardigans, fleeces etc.  They will provide a measuring service for each child.  The clothing will be displayed in the ICT suite on Tuesday evening and in the gym hall on Wednesday afternoon,  The children will be able to try the samples on. .

The timetable is as follows:

Tuesday 1st May                       6.30 p.m. till 8.30 p.m

Wednesday 23rd May                1 p.m. till 3.00 p.m.

Please feel free to drop in at the time which suits you best.

It will be possible to secure the order on the night with payment of a deposit. The balance may then be paid when collected either at the end of term or on the In Service Days in August 2018.


New Spring/Summer Menu

Please find attached next sessions school lunch menu. I would bring to your attention that Baked Potatoes are no longer available every day and that each meal includes EITHER soup or sweet treat and all options include a free drink – water, milk or aqua juice.
I would also encourage parents to visit where you can sign up for weekly menu alerts.

Paper copies of the menu will be sent home with children today however from next session no paper copies will be supplied by the Council.

Click here to view the online menu

Spring and Summer School Menu 2018

Spring Show

All pupils from P.4-7 will participate in this year’s Spring Showcase which will provide an interesting and entertaining insight into recent class topics and will also display the talents of the school choir and dance group.

The dates are as follows :-

Wednesday 21st March.   7 p.m.

Thursday 22nd March      7 p.m.

On Monday 12th March the eldest child in each family will be given three tickets for the evening of your choice.  If no preference is given the children will be given three tickets for one of the perfomances.  If the evening allocated does not suit you may return them to the school to be exchanged by no later than Wednesday 14th March at 3 p.m.  If your child is absent they will be given three tickets on their return.  From Thurday 15th  May the remainder of the tickets will be available on a first come first served basis from the school office.

The money for the tickets will be collected at the door on the evening of the concert.  Tickets are priced at £3.00 each. We are able to sell the tickets at a reduced cost as we are not this year paying for a licence for a show.  Entry will be by ticket only so please keep them safe as duplicates cannot be issued.

For Health and Safety reasons we must insist that every person in the hall has a ticket.  Please see letter attached regarding prams and buggies.

Tea and Coffee will be available during the interval.  We will also be having a raffle.

The children and staff have been working very hard for the Spring Showcase  and we are confident that you will have a very enjoyable evening.

Please click on the link below about regulations regarding prams an buggies at such events.

Prams and Buggies