Category Archives: Primary 7

Hard at Work in Primary 7

Primary 7 focused on pattern when creating their line drawings in Art and Design.  They are continuing to build on skills they learned from Mrs Galloway in Primary 6.

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They also have been working on Sumdog, an individualised ICT programme to help to raise attainment in Maths.  The children have access at home also.

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The children passed on their knowledge and helped mentor the Primary 1 children on good social skills and interacting kindly with others.  This is all part of their Pope Franics Faith Award.

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Uniform Measuring – St Maurice’s

P7 Blazer Sizing for St Maurice’s High School

I can advise that LogoXpres School Wear will be visiting St Michael’s Primary School on Friday 20th April at 2 p.m. to size pupils for St Maurice’s High School uniform.

You are invited to attend the fittings during this time.  If you are unable to attend the fittings each child will be sized by representatives of LogoXpres School Wear and given an order form indicating the appropriate blazer size for ordering.

The Parent Council will purchase ties for each pupil, depending on which High School they will be attending.

Information regarding ordering will be included with the order form.