Category Archives: Primary 7

Coffee House Work Experience

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Our final week at the Coffee House.  The children have all worked hard throughout their work experience in the World of Work and we are incredibly proud of them.  A huge thank you to all the wonderful staff for allowing them to have this fantastic  opportunity.

Celebrating Success

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This week’s Star Writers and Star Pupils.

These four children from Primary 6 and 7 took part in the Cross Country trials at Ravenswood and ran really well.  We are proud of you!  One of our Primary 6 boys came first throughout the whole authority and the girls were placed in the first sixty Primary 7 girls.  See you at the finals!

Coffee House and Food Safety

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AS part of their Food Safety project, Primary 7 received a very informative visit from Mr Reilly, a NLC Environmental Health Officer, who spoke about his job and food hygiene standards.  The children also got the chance to use equipment that measures germs and bacteria.

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Our third group of Primary 7 children did extremely well during their work experience at the Coffee House.

Coffee House

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Our first group of Primary 7 pupils did a fantastic job whilst undertaking their work experience at the Coffee House.  Thank you to all the lovely staff for their kindness and support.  We will be there every Friday morning in February and would love if you could come and support the children as they get the chance to participate in the world of work.

Hard at Work

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During Maths Week Scotland, Primary 7 continued to work hard on increasing their mental agility skills and sharing their different strategies with one another when solving calculations.

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Primary 7 were lucky enough to have a visit from Monica and Gillian from Barnardos today where they learned how the brain develops and works emotionally.  She taught the children about the five simple things that feed a healthy brain.  The children learned skills to use when working with their Primary 1 Buddies.