St. John Paul II Primary School & Nursery Class, Viewpark



Interim Reports

As you may already know, our Pupil Interim Reports should be coming to you within the next week.  We hope to do this before the October holiday, but if not, it will be in the first week back.  The reason for this is that they have to be sent to you all digitally.  This is in line with North Lanarkshire’s policy for communicating with Parents and Carers.

In June, when the end of term reports were sent out, we were left in the position of having over 100 to post to families.  This was a huge expense and, going forward, sending these digitally means that you can look them up whenever you want.

The Interim Reports give a brief overview of each child’s progress and how they are settling into the new school year.  There is not a huge amount of detail, but they will highlight progress in Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing, along with a general comment.

What do I need to do to receive my child’s Interim Report?

  1. Ensure that you are signed up for Parent Portal.  Some of you will have done this last year.  (See information below.)
  2. Ensure that you have updated your information with us (address/home telephone/mobile/email/emergency contacts).  Please send us an EMAIL to and be sure to include YOUR name as well as your child’s full name so that we can identify who we are dealing with.

How do I register for Parent Portal?

Parent Portal is the new platform being used throughout Scotland to communicate with Parents and Carers.  It is accessible on any device (smartphone/tablet/laptop/desktop).  Within your Parent Portal Account you can:

  • Have one login for all school related accounts (no matter how many children and how many schools they attend)
  • Login once to book an appointment for parents’ night
  • use the online payments
  • check the school calendar
  • give permission for trips and other things
  • See your child’s reports whenever you like
  • Report an absence

Not all of these functions will be available immediately, but we are sure that you can see the benefit.  This will eventually mean that we no longer need our School App.

To find out more, please click HERE to view a short video clip and introduction to Parents’ Portal.

Click on the link below to find instructions on how to set up your account.

Accessing the Parent Portal

Please to do contact us if you have any issues accessing Parents’ Portal and we will be happy to help!

Annual Fun Day – 9th October 2020

We have been bowled over by the generosity of our families and our staff in the past couple of days!  We have received an amazing amount of donations following our appeal and we wanted to say “Thank You!”  The generosity you have shown is so very much appreciated.

Everything will cost £1 – just to make things safe and easy.  We will not have change to give to the children so if you could send them in with £1 coins, that would be a huge help!

Please scroll down for a reminder of the information for Fun Day.  Please remember it is a NON UNIFORM DAY.

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