Mr Thomas' Blog

June 27, 2024
by Miss Agnew

End of Year Thoughts

The end of term is always busy, and we had lots of happy and sad events to celebrate this week.

This week we have had to say some sad farewells!!
We said thank you to Mrs Bell and Mrs Mason from our nursery for all their love and commitment over the past years!!
We also said goodbye to Mrs Howard. She has been part of our team for a year, and has worked so hard for her P7 class, and we will all miss her.
We also said farewell to Mr McCann, who has been a member of our management team for 6 years. He has done an amazing job for all those years. The whole school community will miss him – the children will even miss his Maths tests!!
We wish them all well in their next adventures and hope the keep their time in St John Paul II in their hearts.
Our P6 pupils were presented with their new school ties yesterday. These will set them apart as the leaders of our school next year. They have some big shoes to fill, but we’re sure they’re up to the challenge!!

We were delighted to hand over a cheque for just over £2000 to St Andrew’s Hospice. This amazing amount was from sponsor money from our P1 Teddy Bear’s Picnic and P7 Wear Yellow Walk. Thanks to all who helped us raise this amazing amount.

Our P7 Pope Francis Faith Award candidates were presented with their awards. This is the culmination of two years of hard work. Congratulations to you and we hope the gifts of the Holy Spirit will continue to guide your lives as you move to high school.

Mr Thomas also took the chance to thank our fantastic House Captains and Vice Captains. They have worked so hard, helping to represent the school, leading assemblies and generally being a huge part of our community. A special thanks to our P7 captains who leave us now! Thank you for all your hard work.

A message to all our nursery children and P7 pupils, who are moving onto their new adventures (and their families!) We hope you have enjoyed your time with us here, and that you’ve learned lots! We have been privileged to have been part of your journeys and we wish you all the best! As Mr Thomas always says to anyone leaving – if you take one thing from your time here, remember you were loved!

And to everyone in our school community – a huge big thank you! We have had an amazing, busy, fun-filled year. We appreciate all your help and support. Have an amazing summer and we’ll see you all in August.

June 23, 2024
by Miss Agnew

Last Week of Term!

It may be last few days of term, but they are jam packed!! Loads happening, so here is all the information you need.

We are on Week 2 for lunches this week. Monday and Tuesday are as the menu. Wednesday will be snacks to go only (we finish at 1pm!) and will be a mix of sandwiches. We will look to order these on Tuesday.


On Monday, your child’s report will be available on Parent Portal. If you haven’t yet signed up for Parent Portal you will not receive this report. Please contact the office if you need any support with this.

On Monday afternoon we will have  a “House Party” for the children in Lourdes who won the house points this year. Looking forward to celebrating!

Monday night is our P7 graduation and we are looking forward to celebrating with our fabulous P7 children .

On Wednesday we will all attend the 10am Mass at St Columba’s. This will be our final celebration of the year. Our P6 children will receive their ties, our Pope Francis Faith Awards will be presented to those P7s who have worked on them and we will bid farewell to some staff members. You are all welcome to join us.

School closes at 1pm on Wednesday, please ensure you have made plans to have your child collected at this time.

See – jam packed! 😂

June 21, 2024
by Mr Thomas


As you know, our reports are being issued via Parents’ Portal this year.  If you have not signed up, you will not receive your child’s report.  We will have over 100 children whose parents have still NOT signed up for Parents’ Portal.

We realise that there could be a number of reasons for this.  We are happy to help!

Please sign up by contacting the school office.  The staff have helped so many Parents/Carers to get started with it and are very happy to do this.  We offered drop in sessions twice recently and only 6 people made use of this service.  We have been advertising this for months now!  Please get in touch to sign up.

If you want to try signing up yourself, please click HERE for the last post we put on our website to help.


June 16, 2024
by Mr Thomas

The Week Ahead – Week Beginning 17th June 2024

I just wanted to send out a few reminders in this second last week of term!


You will see lots of information about upcoming events in our school if you take a look at the June Newsletter which was issued a week ago.  Click HERE to see the Newsletter.


We will have our Drama Club Dress Rehearsal today and all of the staff and children will be invited to see the show in the afternoon.  It is looking and sounding amazing!

Drama Club will take place from 3pm – 4pm.


Our Mini Vinnies are visiting Carfin Grotto with hundreds of other Mini Vinnies from around the Diocese of Motherwell.

Our Drama Club Show is at 7pm.  Please contact the office to reserve tickets which are now available to everyone.  All remaining tickets are first-come-first-served.


This is the deadline for P7 Parents/Carers to follow the link to order their initial tickets for Graduation.  After this, the tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.  Click HERE to complete the order form.

At 2pm we will have a performance from our School Choir and Brass Instrumentalists.  We have extended this to our Drama Club, who will also perform a couple of numbers from their show.  Please let us know if you intend to come along by clicking here.  We are not handing our tickets, we are just monitoring numbers.  Fr Bogan has also extended an invitation to parishioners.

THIS WILL TAKE PLACE IN ST. COLUMBA’S CHURCH as Laburnum Family Learning Centre are using our school hall for their Graduation.


Our own Nursery Graduation will take place in the afternoon.  Information has already been sent out by Nursery Staff.

Thinking ahead to the new school year…

To apply for Free School Meals (P6 and P7) and also a Clothing Grant (P1-P7), please click HERE.


June 11, 2024
by Mr Thomas



To celebrate the start of the Euros and to show support for our Scotland International Team, children can wear something Scottish (like a Scotland top or t-shirt) or they can add something ‘Scottish’ to their uniform.  Alternatively, they can come in uniform as normal.  No charge!


PRIMARY 5 SHOULD STILL WEAR THEIR UNIFORM FOR THEIR TRIP:  This makes the children easily identifiable when out and about and in crowds.  It is a health and safety precaution.





The children of our School Choir have been working all year round with Mrs McGregor.

The children who receive Brass Instrumental Tuition have been working with Mr Kane.

We want to showcase their talents!

Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 2pm 

Please note the change of venue:  This will now take place in St. Columba’s Church!

The children will perform as part of an Assembly and we invite parents, carers and family members to join us.

NO TICKETS REQUIRED but please follow the link below to tell us how many people we can expect!


Click HERE to let us know how many seats you require.


June 5, 2024
by Mr Thomas



Tickets will be on sale from the office from tomorrow, Thursday 6th June.

The St John Paul II Parent Council BEACH PARTY DISCO is next Thursday 13th June 2024

Primary 1 – 3:

6.00PM to 7.15PM

Primary 4 – 7:

7.30PM to 8.45PM

Tickets are £1.00 each. A tuck shop will also be available on the night with Drinks from 50p and Sweets/Crisps from 30p

The children are welcome to come dressed in beach themed clothes.

May 31, 2024
by Mr Thomas

HEALTH & WELLBEING WEEK: 3rd – 7th June 2024

We are looking forward to our Health and Wellbeing Week for 2024!  This is always a week packed with fun activities which focus on the various areas of physical, social, emotional and mental health.  We will have various visiting coaches and sessions planned.

We ask that the children wear their PE Uniform every day.  This means:

  • Black shorts/joggers/leggings
  • School Polo Shirt
  • School Sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper
  • Trainers – more and more children are wearing Crocs to school for PE.  They will not be permitted to participate if wearing crocs!  This is not suitable footwear.

Children should not wear other garments or football strips/track suits during this week.  PE Uniform only.


  • Children will be working both indoors and outdoors and should have an appropriate jacket in case it rains!
  • Children should bring a water bottle with them each day.
  • Children are encouraged to eat a Healthy Snack during Health Week.


  • Weather permitting, Parents/Carers will be invited to attend our Traditional Races in the afternoon. 
  • These will commence at around 1:50pm. 
  • If the weather is not looking good, we will have our races inside, which means there will be no space for Parents/Carers.
  • We will update you ASAP regarding any changes.  Please keep an eye on our text system and social media platforms.

Relationships & Moral Education (God’s Loving Plan)

During Health and Wellbeing Week the children will participate in their annual God’s Loving Plan Lessons.  Information regarding this is below…Scottish Catholic Education Service | SCES | Health & Relationships ...

Please read over the introductory letter:

God’s Loving Plan (Whole School) March 2023

Below, you will find some further information which you may wish to read through regarding the content of lessons, etc.

GLP Parents 1

GLP Parents 2

God’s Loving Plan (Vocabulary Guide)

May 21, 2024
by Mr Thomas

Help us to help our neighbours in Heather Gardens!

We have received a complaint from the factor company which manages Heather Gardens.  Residents are complaining about children using their property at the flats as a thoroughfare, which is causing damage to the grass and the shrubs in their communal grounds.  Children are also pressing the buzzers both in the morning and at the end  of the school day.

The children will see this as fun, but they have no idea if the person is elderly, unwell, on night shift, or whatever!  I have spoken to all of the children and asked them to let me know if this continues.  I have asked them to remember that we are all about Respect – of others, ourselves and property!  This extends to before and after school when they are wearing our uniform!

I will be monitoring the area from time to time to ensure that the children do not cut through the private grounds.  It is not a short cut and involves them climbing over the wall/fence to get back out and onto Laburnum Road.

If your child walks in this direction, please ask them to kindly stay OUT of the grounds of the flats and to refrain from buzzing the residents doors.  We have no idea what distress this could be causing.  They have walked through the shrubs so much that they have cause irreparable damage to them, with some of them dying.

Please let me know if you see children not adhering to these instructions either before or after school.

Thank you for your support with this.

Mr Thomas.

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