Primary 7, we really need your help! We are still waiting for some of you to complete your Friendship Forms for Cardinal Newman. Mrs Murray and Miss Morrison need them to start to organise your classes for next year. Please follow this link, and complete these by the end of the day tomorrow (5th June). You will need your Glow login details for this. Please contact Miss Agnew either through social media, or by emailing her on
We also desperately need your yearbook information! The P7 teachers want to start putting the yearbook together, and we’re running out of time. Please click on the link below for the information that we need, which should be emailed to your teacher, or placed in an envelope addressed to Mr Thomas and handed in to the office. Again, we need all the information by the end of the day tomorrow (5th June). If we don’t have this information, then you won’t have a personal section in the final yearbook.
Please share this information with others, and encourage them to contact us with details, or of we can help further.