August 16, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
June 24, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Monday 25th June
This young lady has appeared in my office on numerous occasions this year and all for very positive reasons! She has won a number of trophies and medals over the year and was especially proud to show them off. Well done and keep dancing…
On Monday, we have the Community Police visiting our Primary 4 to Primary 7 pupils. The main purpose of this visit to reinforce a positive message about looking after our community and to be good citizens. I am hopeful that this will encourage boys and girls and their families to look after our wonderful school over the holidays when incidents of vandalism can become more frequent.
On Tuesday, Fr O’Kane will be celebrating mass in honour of our Primary 7 pupils. We will hold an awards ceremony after mass where some lucky pupils will receive special awards and prizes for their positive contributions to St Bartholomew’s. All pupils will receive a high school tie, pen and personalised tee shirt in addition to a leavers certificate. Some very worthy children will receive a Pope Francis award with a Parish commendation. We are all looking forward to recognising the fantastic work of these wonderful boys and girls.
On Wednesday, the Primary 7 boys and girls will take part in the long awaited beach party. Our loyal parent group have been organising a bouncy castle, DJ, photo both and chippy dinner with some special treats thrown in. Our boys and girls really look forward to this final social event and it is a very fitting farewell.
On Thursday, school finishes at 1pm. Lunch will be served earlier on this day to ensure that our boys and girls don’t go home hungry! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents and carers for their continued support this year, it has been very much appreciated. On behalf of myself and all of the St Bartholomew’s staff I would like to wish everyone a fantastic, safe holiday and look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 16th August.
Mrs Bolland
June 22, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre
June 17, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Monday 18th June
From the above photographs,it is very evident that both of these girls are very proud of their achievements. One of the young ladies has achieved personal success, outwith school, something that we are always happy to share. The other young lady has come a long way in progressing her writing skills. What fabulous achievements. Keep it up!
The week ahead contains the following key events:
Today, Primary 2/3 will be visiting Almond Valley as part of their topic related studies. This is a fabulous trip and the children are very much looking forward to joining in with all the fun and excitement that this venue provides. A big thank you to our parent helpers for dedicating their time and efforts to help supervising the children. We couldn’t do it without you!
On Tuesday, we welcome Ms Kirkland and Ms Reid to our school, who will be visiting on school related business. Mrs Carlin will be visiting some of our prospective primary 1 pupils at their current nursery as part of our transition programme and also to provide a warm welcome to St Bart’s.
On Wednesday, Mrs MacIntyre will be leading training for a new reading for enjoyment programme that we are introducing next session. There are a number of exciting initiatives that the leadership team are preparing for implementation next session. Watch this space…
On Friday, our pre school children in the nursery are graduating. This is such an important milestone for these boys and girls and we are very proud at St Bartholomew’s and wish them all well in their school careers. Well done! Mr McLaughlin, our head of service will be visiting St Bartholomew’s and I know that he will be incredibly impressed with our wonderful pupils. You are most welcome.
Mrs Bolland
June 15, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre
1 Comment
June 11, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre
June 11, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Monday 11th June
This very talented young lady appeared in my office, laden with certificates, medals and a trophy. This is as a result of all of her hard work work and dedication in dance. Watch this space for more great news about a potential career in dance!
Our Primary 7 pupils will be visiting St Ambrose on Monday and Tuesday this week. They will make their own way there and back and it is very much a trial run to the start of their High School career in August. This is a great opportunity for the children to be more independent, follow their timetable and meet new friends. We are all looking forward to hearing about their experiences on Wednesday.Good luck boys and girls.
As you know, this week is STEM week and their are is a huge variety of events and activities lined up for our pupils. This is a great way of introducing and developing skills and knowledge about STEM subjects, which will be very much the direction in future careers.
Cheerleading after school club takes place today for our younger pupils in Primary 1 and Primary 2. Please remember appropriate kits and water bottles please.
The National mass will take place on Thursday of this week in Falkirk Stadium. All Catholic schools in Scotland will be represented at this celebration and the main theme will be marking the one hundred year anniversary of Catholic Schools in Scotland. Our Primary 7 pupils, who have received a full commendation from their Pope Francis Faith award will be representing St Bartholomew’s Primary.
Mrs Bolland
June 4, 2018
by Mrs MacIntyre
June 3, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Monday 4 th June
This fabulous Primary 1 pupil was super excited to show me her wonderful work. It exemplifies the amount of hard work that takes place in Primary 1, when children are producing such high quality writing in a matter of 9 months. Well done!
Yesterday, the Church celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi.It is perhaps worth remembering that one of the last things that Jesus did before he started his passion was to teach the Apostles how to bring him to life in bread and wine.Receiving the Eucharist, with the correct disposition can transform us. This is a divine gift and allows us to grow closer in an even deeper love for Jesus.
Sports Day is scheduled to take place on Wednesday afternoon, weather permitting. Mrs McLean has been hard at work coordinating the various components that make up this exciting event. Lunch will begin at 12pm on this day as we need to maximise time to ensure that all of our fantastic events can take place within an afternoon.We will keep you up to date with basic arrangement via text.
It’s STEM week, next week, and Ms Kiernan has organised a whole host of exciting events and activities for all of our pupils to enjoy. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) are hugely important subjects that will certainly drive future careers of many of our pupils and it is with this in mind that we are investing in its success. Your support with these events and activities, by way of volunteering to supervise children on trips etc is very much appreciated.
Mrs Bolland
May 29, 2018
by Mrs Bolland
Monday 29th May
Mrs Timmons, Principal Teacher of Maths will be visiting St Bartholomew’s today. There will be some wonderful maths problem solving activities for the children to work on collaboratively and have fun at the same time! This is part of our transition programme to St Ambrose High School, which will be of huge benefit to our boys and girls.
I am attending a cluster meeting at St Ambrose High this evening where we will discuss the upcoming mass at Falkirk Stadium, in addition to other current matters in respect of Primary 7’s transition to High School.
Just a reminder that Football after school club will be on this afternoon. Children are required to bring appropriate kits and water bottles.
Gordon Meek photography will be visiting St Bart’s tomorrow morning, between 9am and 10am so that parents of our First Communicants can choose photographs from their very special day. I am sure that everyone will be spoiled for choice!
Wednedsay also sees the Primary 7 Gaelic Football boys final, held at St Ambrose High. The boys have done very well to achieve this status and we wish them the very best of luck!
Our third induction day will take place for our new cohort of Primary 1 children on Thursday. This will allow the children to work in their new class and take part in a number of activities, particularly related to literacy and numeracy. The final induction day will be next week where the children and their parents will enjoy lunch and a tour of the school with their buddy.
Thursday sees two after school clubs on. The Tesco cookery after school club for both parent and child will be taking place in our Get Together Room. Mrs Carlin’s art after school club will be taking place for our younger children, in the Primary 1 classroom.
There is always something exciting going on at St Bart’s!
Mrs Bolland