St Bartholomews

June 7, 2024
by Mrs Bolland

Week beginning 10th June 2024

Day Entry




·         Mrs Bolland meeting Education Psychologist

·         Ms Duffy visiting nursery

·         Stay and read P1-3

·         Mrs Crielly attending restorative approaches                  meeting




·         Mrs Carlin leading P7’s MinI Vinnies retreat

·         Mrs Bolland wellbeing hub meeting

·         Mrs Bolland meeting CIIL

·         Mrs Bolland meeting Ryan Kelly





·         Sports Day, pm ( weather permitting)

·         Mrs Bolland leading transition meetings, P7 – S1

·         Mrs Bolland and Mrs Crielly meeting Ms Barker

·         P4 & P2/3 mass

·         Mrs MacIntyre on ‘Birth to 3’ meeeting




·         MALT results due

·         Mrs MacIntyre, early years meeting

·         Mrs Bolland leading cluster meeting


Friday ·         P7 & 6 Gaelic tournament

·         Musical performance at assembly P6 & 7



June 7, 2024
by Mrs MacIntyre

Gaelic Football

Our primary 6 & 7 Girls Gaelic football team took part in the finals this week.

They worked hard and team work got them through all their games to win the tournament.

Well done! We are so proud of you.

June 7, 2024
by Mrs MacIntyre

Weekly Assembly

Congratulations to this weeks Cool Class Cup Winners.


Well done to our fabulous pupils of the week!

Congratulations to this weeks winning house.

The children from Summerlee house enjoyed an extra play this afternoon.

June 7, 2024
by Mrs MacIntyre

Primary 1 Transition

Our new primary 1 children and their parents and carers joined us this week on their final visit before they join us in August. Our primary 6 children were tour guides as they found their way around the school. The children then had lunch. We look forward to seeing you in August!

June 7, 2024
by Mrs MacIntyre

Writers Award

Congratulations to some of our young writers. They wrote stories and entered them into a competition. Their stories will be published in and anthology of children’s writing.

Well done everyone!!


June 7, 2024
by Mrs MacIntyre

Cross Country

Well done to all the children in primary 3 & 4 who took part in the cross country this week. They has so much success with 2 of the children placed in the top ten runners.

Well done everyone!

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