St Bartholomews

Detailed arrangements for safe return of pupils.


Dear Parents/ Carers,

I am pleased to be able to provide you with  specific relevant details in order that your child is able to safely return to school from Wednesday 12th August. This information can be found below, in the form of a copy of a  letter that has also been posted and emailed to you.  I have included a general letter that outlines the time that your child will start and finish school and you will notice that there are staggered times so that pupils can enter and exit the building safely. Primary 1 parents will receive a separate letter and this is also listed below, in addition to being sent via our digital systems. Thank you in advance for your continued patience and support, as always, it is very much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you all next week!

Mrs Bolland


Dear Parent / Carer

Revised Start/Finish Times

I have written to you previously regarding changes to school operating procedures for August in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These included changes to how children enter and exit the school and specific start/finish times for each class.

As you will already be aware, in light of new guidance from the Scottish Government and from North Lanarkshire Council, it has been necessary to make changes to these operating procedures to accommodate the full return of all pupils next week.

To avoid congestion at school entry and exit points, and for everyone’s safety, it will still be necessary to allocate each class to a specific entry/exit gate and lining-up zone within the school. Access points and zones will still be colour-coded and signage will remain in place outside the school to direct parents/children to the correct entry/exit gate and zone. The table below outlines the access points, zones and times for each class:

(*please note that Primary 1 arrangements will be communicated to parents separately):

Class Entry/Exit Gate Lining-Up Zone Start Time Finish Time
Primary 1 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1
Primary 2 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:00am 2:50pm
Primary 3 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:05am 2:55pm
Primary 4 Rannoch Avenue Yellow Zone 2 9:00am 2:45pm
Primary 4/5 Rannoch Avenue Yellow Zone 2 9:05am 2:50pm
Primary 5 Rannoch Avenue Yellow Zone 2 9:05am 2:50pm
Primary 6 Rannoch Avenue Red Zone 3 9:10am 2:55pm
Primary 7a Rannoch Avenue Red Zone 3 9:15am 3:00pm
Primary 7b Rannoch Avenue Red Zone 3 9:15am 3:00pm

Please note that there will be strictly no access to the school grounds for any persons before 9am and there will be no adult supervision in place should children arrive before their designated time. It is therefore imperative that children arrive at the time stated and that the entry gate is kept clear at all times. Class teachers will collect classes at the times outlined above and children will line up in the school grounds in their allocated zones before accessing the school building. Similarly, at finishing time, it is imperative that parents collect children at the times specified and keep all exit gates clear until called forward to collect their child.

The guidance also remains that children should be dressed for all weather, including extreme weather, when coming to school. This should include a waterproof jacket or coat with a hood and warm clothing/footwear, as the weather dictates. This is important as we anticipate that it will take longer than usual for children to enter and exit the school building due to the staggered entry/exit times we have outlined.

Children arriving late to school
Entry to the school yard and building for parents/carers will be by appointment only, as previously advised. There will be strictly no access to the school yard for parents/carers at any time, unless by prior arrangement. It is therefore important that children arrive at school at their designated time, on time, each day. Where children arrive late to school, they should enter through their designated gate and make their own way to the Main Reception door before reporting to the school office.

I continue to appreciate the challenges facing parents who have children entering and exiting different gates at different times and thank you once again in anticipation of your continuing support with our plans. Please be assured that the safety of our children, parents and staff remains a priority and that our plans continue to be developed in line with government advice. We are currently working very hard to finalise a number of other details including Breakfast Club arrangements, arrangements for P.E. and how we will manage break times. We will advise you further as soon as we are in a position to do so and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Bolland

Dear Parent / Carer

Primary 1 Start/Finish Times

I have written to you previously regarding changes to school operating procedures for August in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These included changes to how children enter and exit the school and specific start/finish times for each class. As you will already be aware, in light of new guidance from the Scottish Government and from North Lanarkshire Council, it has been necessary to make changes to these operating procedures to accommodate the full return of all pupils next week. I am sure you will appreciate that the arrangements for Primary 1 have required very specific consideration to ensure that your child’s first day at school is as enjoyable and stress-free as possible.

To this end, we have allocated all Primary 1 children into a temporary group for the purposes of ensuring their safe entry and exit to the school building. Please note that your child is in Group 1 and that the following arrangements will apply to next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday only:

Primary 1 Entry/Exit Gate Lining-Up Zone Start Time Finish Time
Group 1 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:20am 12:15pm
Group 2 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:30am 12:15pm
Group 3 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:40am 12:15pm
Group 4 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:50am 12:15pm

We will ensure that all Primary 1 children have lunch before leaving school at 12:15pm to familiarise them with the dinner hall routines. We would ask all parents/carers to be at the school gate at 12:55pm and to keep the gate clear, while observing physical distancing, until called forward to collect their child. Ample staff will be on hand to assist with this.

It is anticipated that the soft start outlined above for our Primary 1 pupils will allow them plenty of time to adjust to their new school routines and therefore, from Monday 17th August, the entry/exit arrangements will be as follows:

Class Entry/Exit Gate Lining-Up Zone Start Time Finish Time
Primary 1 Dunvegan Avenue Blue Zone 1 9:15am 3:00pm

The guidance remains that children should be dressed for all weather, including extreme weather, when coming to school. This should include a waterproof jacket or coat with a hood and warm clothing/footwear, as the weather dictates. This is important as we anticipate that it will take longer than usual for children to enter and exit the school building due to the staggered entry/exit times we have outlined.

Entry to the school yard and building for parents/carers will be by appointment only, as previously advised. There will be strictly no access to the school yard for parents/carers at any time, unless by prior arrangement. It is therefore important that children arrive at school at their designated time, on time, each day. Where children arrive late to school, they should enter through their designated gate and make their own way to the Main Reception door before reporting to the school office.

I continue to appreciate the challenges facing parents who have children entering and exiting different gates at different times and thank you once again in anticipation of your continuing support with our plans. Please be assured that the safety of our children, parents and staff remains a priority and that our plans continue to be developed in line with government advice. We are currently working very hard to finalise a number of other details including Breakfast Club arrangements, arrangements for P.E. and how we will manage break times. We will advise you further as soon as we are in a position to do so and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Bolland

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